National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation | The Odyssey Online
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Top 5 Best Christmas Movies

These are all of the "Must Watch" Christmas movies.

Top 5 Best Christmas Movies

These are my top 5 favorite Christmas movies, with #5 being my favorite.

The Polar Express

Even though some would consider this Christmas classic to be a children's movie, that is not the case. With this movie being based on a children's novel, It is the perfect family Christmas movie. Even though this movie was released in 2004, I'm sure the 90's and early 2000's kids remember this movie playing on repeat on ABC Family. In this classic, a young boy travels by train to the north pole where he discovers the importance of always believing.

The Santa Clause


All 3 of these movies are a must watch. Most trilogies of movies usually get worse and worse, but this is not the case with these movies. When Scott accidentally knocks Santa off of his roof, he is required by Santa's head elf that he must become the next Santa Clause. When Scott soon enjoys his new persona, he decides that he truly loves his new job at the North Pole.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas


There have been several remakes of this movie in the past, but the one with Jim Carrey is by far the best. Along with his cute dog sidekick, Max, The Grinch tries to ruin Christmas for the citizens of Whoville. The Grinch soon changes his plan when he realizes the true meaning of Christmas. This movie, almost 20 years after its release, is still a Christmas family classic.



Not only is this Christmas classic one of my favorites, it teaches you multiple lessons. For example, Buddy the Elf not only teaches you the meaning of Christmas, but he also teaches you to not eat the yellow snow, not to eat chewed gum, and how to properly eat spaghetti. This movie follows Buddy the Elf and his embarkment to New York City to find his dad. Buddy realizes the city isn't like he thought it would be, and teaches people that the meaning of Christmas is not only believing, but also singing loud for all to hear.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

This Christmas movie is my all-time favorite Christmas movie. "Christmas Vacation" is one of those movies that you can watch over and over, and can also be watched at anytime throughout the year. When Clark Griswold wants a perfect Christmas for his family, he tries his hardest to make sure that happens. With a few bumps in the road, it quickly leads to chaos. But between cousin Eddy's efforts to get Clark his Christmas bonus, and Aunt Bethany's cat food jello, it turns into a family Christmas they will never forget.

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