Top 5 Artists For Fall In Philly | The Odyssey Online
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Top 5 Artists For Fall In Philly

Top 5 Artists For Fall In Philly

The hottest new and old musicians are on their way to Philly in the coming months -- make sure you don't miss them! 

While we’re fortunate to have the dates of Made in America align with NSO, each year, I always find it remarkable how Philadelphia hosts so many well known, as well as up-and-coming, artists throughout the year. Take advantage of what Philadelphia’s music scene has to offer with the concerts of well-established musicians and soon-to-be stars.

1. Ed Sheeran.

This British singer-songwriter has risen to great fame in the past couple of years. Sheeran is characterized by a messy red man, a soulful voice and an uncanny ability to blend rapping with acoustic pop. His second album, released this summer, features song lyrics as personl and relatable as a Taylor Swift song, but with more finesse and gravitas than we've seen before. 

Great for you if you like Jason Mraz, Ben Howard, Passenger, James Arthur or 1975. You might know him for: "The A Team," "Sing," "Don't," or "Lego House." If you don't know him, I'm going to assume you've been living under a rock. Wells Fargo Center, Sept. 8.

2. Stromae.

Combining EDM features with hip-hop, Belgian musician Paul van Haver is an international phenomenon, hitting number one on the charts all over the world with his widely known dance song, “Alors on danse.” Last year, he released his sophomore album, Racine Carrée (Square Root), to widespread acclaim. Though his music is sung in French, you don’t need to understand the language to enjoy Stromae’s hypnotic voice and infectious rhythms. Stromae is an anagram for “Maestro.” 

Great for you if you like: Route 94, Milky Chance, Cris Cab. You might know him for "Alors on danse."  Songs to listen to: "Papaoutai," "Formidable," and "Tous les mêmes." Trocadero Theatre, Sept. 17.

3. Clean Bandit. 

The electronic group responsible for one of this summer’s greatest hits is coming to Philadelphia. Grace Chatto, Milan Neil Amin-Smith, and Luke and Jack Patterson of Clean Bandit fuse classical and electronic music elements  to make contagious dance hits. Their debut album, New Eyes, released earlier this summer, is filled with catchy electronic/classical hybrids and is sure to cement the group’s position as the latest thing in UK dance music. 

Great for you if you like Foxes, Jess Glynne, Love To, Röyksopp. You might know them for "Rather Be" (featuring Jess Glynne).  Songs to listen to: "Extraordinary," "Birch," "Mozart’s House," and "Come Over." Underground Arts, Sept. 19.

4. Banks. 

Dark, stormy and haunting, L.A. native Jillian Banks is an artist to watch. Having previously toured with the Weeknd and performed at Coachella, Banks is poised to be R&B’s next hottest star. Songs like “Change” and “Brain” exemplify the heart wrenching weight and soul in her work. Her debut album, Goddess, is set to be released Sept.5 -- just in time to familiarize yourself with her work before her concert in Philly.  

Great for you if you like: SOHN, Lana Del Rey, Chet Faker. You might know her for "Waiting Game," "Brain" and "This Is What It Feels Like."  Songs to listen to: "Change," "Beggin' for Thread," and "Bedroom Wall." Union Transfer, Sept. 27

5. Kygo. 

Breakout Norweigan remixer, Kygo, has garnered fans globally, even catching the eye of stars such as Diplo and Chris Martin. Intoxicating tropical synth elements characterize Kygo’s work, making the music perfect for relaxing or any darty. He has just signed with Sony Music, so we will be sure to see more of him in the future.

Great for you if you like Tobtok, Disclosure, Kaskade, Avicii. You might know him for "I See Fire Remix" and "No Diggity vs. THRIFT SHOP Remix." Songs to listen to: "Often" (Kygo Remix) and "Younger Remix." Union Transfer, Oct. 17

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