I am a huuuuuuuuuge musical theatre freak. I have been since my first production I was a part of when I was 11. I love to perform in productions, as well as go to see as many as I possibly can! The feeling I get when I hear the applause is like nothing else, whether I'm on stage or off. It's my true passion.
I definitely realize there are a lot of people who are not quite into musicals like I am. That's okay. But here is my attempt at helping you to at least appreciate the art. The hard work ut into a musical is incredible. There are so many different parts and pieces being put together to make a show what it is. So, if you haven't even tried to watch or listen to a musical, here are my top 10 that you should give a try.
10) Bonnie + Clyde
You probably at least know the story of Bonnie + Clyde, it's a pretty popular tale of 2 people who fall in love and take on the world as criminals. Well, they turned it into a musical. I always worry when they create musical versions of stories but I'm almost never disappointed. I've somewhat recently discovered the soundtrack to this one and boy is it fantastic. The music is catchy and just begs you to sing a long. You totally fall in love with the characters, Bonnie + Clyde, regardless of the fact that they're technically the "bad guys". Take a listen.
9) Hairspray
No, not the product.
The movie and stage version are both wonderful, but I would have to say I prefer the movie version.
Not only does this musical have wonderful, wonderful music, and great dance moves.. This musical has a wonderful point to make. It focuses on rights and equality. It teaches that no matter who you are, black or white, fat or skinny, young or old, you are equal to everyone else and should be treated as such. The main character in this musical is a larger girl who wants to be a dancer! She knows it will be hard, many people will judge her, but she goes for it anyways!! Not only does she stand up for herself, but she ends up standing up against segregation. She's quite a wonderful person with such a quirky and loving personality.
8) Newsies
A story about newspaper selling cuties who go on strike. The movie and stage version are both good but I'd have to say I prefer the stage version. So many more songs and even added characters! I'm not gonna lie, half the reason I love this show is just because the newsie boys are extremely attractive in their cute little suspenders and hats with their Brooklyn accents.... However, the dancing in this production is always extremely impressive. I'm in awe every time. The songs are catchy as heck and make ya wanna scream out and stand up for something! It's a great one. Plus it's DISNEY so how could ya go wrong? ;)
7) Dreamgirls
I've never seen the stage version but have heard wonderful things, and I adore the movie!
A story of 3 talented young ladies who have been singing together since they were young and have always dreamed about making it big. They get their opportunity, but not without a looooooot of obstacles, mainly because of their race. All of the music in this one is great, but the one song that sticks out the most is "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going". It is one of the most powerfully sung songs out there. It's basically an anthem. If you can sing this song well, you're good to go. Jennifer Hudson slayyyyyysss the role of Effie and this song.
6) Legally Blonde
So, when I heard there was a musical version of this... I was not very excited. I was never a fan of the Legally Blonde movie and wondered how they could make it into a musical. My mind was quickly changed the moment I saw it. The amount of love I have for the songs and characters in this musical is insane. Well, mostly the main 2 characters, Emmett and Elle, the others aren't quite as likeable haha. The story of stereotypical "blonde" deciding to go to law school regardless of the fact that she has no qualifications (I didn't say the story was realistic) to follow the "love of her life" and ending up being mocked because she obviously doesn't know much about law... But ends up finding a friend through her struggles on her way up. The love story in this is to die for, even though that's not the main focus of the story. The songs are WONDERFUL, and you find yourself laughing a lot as you watch.
5) Rent
This one gives you all kinds of feels. Laughter, crying (a lot), annoyance, anger, awkwardness, just about everything. The songs are incredible, you e probably heard of a few. Jonathan Larson (the composer) is an absolute genius. You fall in love with all of the characters and just want them all to be happy which is unfortunate because they all have awful things they have to deal with. It's definitely worth watching but be careful, it's a cryer.
4) Shrek
When I first heard they were making Shrek The Musical I was literally so angry. I am a big Shrek fan and I thought for sure this was going to ruin it. How could they make a musical out of it? It's gonna be so dumb. Man I was so so wrong. This is not number 4 on my list for no reason. This show takes everything you already love about Shrek and Donkey's adventure in the first movie and adds songs. Not to mention, Sutton Foster, broadway goddess who is also in tv shows "Bunheads" and "Younger" is Fiona and she is literal perfection. THIS STAGE MUSICAL IS ON NETFLIX. PLEASE WATCH IT.
3) Next To Normal
I have never cried harder in a musical. This musical is deep and emotional. You will cry. If you don't, you're a robot. The songs are touching, the acting is touching, and Alice Ripley as the leading lady just slays my life.
Diana (Alice Ripley) is a mother of 2, married to Dan, and the musical starts out showing a simple family preparing for their day, and then you begin to realize things as they actually are. Diana is struggling with bipolar disorder and it continues to get worse and causes great grief on her family. You learn about love, you learn about family, and you learn about grief. It's quite the dramatic roller coaster.
2) Wicked
If you haven't heard of Wicked my heart breaks for you. It is one of the most popular musicals out there. It's a story based off of the wizard of oz, but from a different perspective, and it begins before Dorothy ever winds up there. It's about Elphaba, the wicked witch of the west, and who she really is and why she is that way. It is touching, exciting, sad, and just truly wonderful. The songs are belty and great and you fall totally in love with the pretty boy Fiyero. There are many shocking twists in the story and it keeps you on the edge of your seat crying, screaming and clapping.
1) The Last Five Years
This musical is still pretty new. There was a movie musical version of it released pretty recently. The movie was honestly everything I wanted and more. I've watched it many many times and I never love it any less. The music is great. There characters are great even though they're kind of awful. My heart falls in love and breaks every single time. For some, it is kind of confusing because the way it's outlined is that it goes back and forth through time. It's about a couple, Jamie and Cathy, and their 5 years together. It starts out with Cathy finding a letter from Jamie, her husband, saying he is leaving for good. Then it switches to Jamie singing after meeting Cathy for the first time and goes back and forth and ends with Jamie singing about right before he leaves Cathy the letter, and Cathy singing right after meeting Jamie. The timing is a bit confusing as I said, but if you go into it knowing what to expect, it's truly wonderful.
I could go on forever and ever about musicals everyone should see, but these are the top 10 I think the general public who aren't musical obsessed like me, would like the most. Check some out! A lot are on Netflix or YouTube! Musicals are a great way to feel things you've never felt! Music is beautiful and acting is beautiful and dancing is beautiful and combining the 3 is just a wonderful experience. Appreciate the art.