5. He encourages people to love their lives in order to give back. | The Odyssey Online
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Loki, Tom Hiddleston Is The Superior Tom In The Whole World Of Hollywood For These 9 Reasons

While I have a soft spot for Loki in the Marvel cinematic universe, the actor who plays him is definitively the best Tom because he is nothing like his character.

Loki, Tom Hiddleston Is The Superior Tom In The Whole World Of Hollywood For These 9 Reasons

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I love Tom because he is a beacon of positivity and kindness. He always inspires his fans to live life with joy and to see the good in every day, no matter how difficult things get. Tom appreciates everyone he talks to and puts others first. He is an incredible actor with so much range and talent. Hiddleston is funny and charismatic both on screen and in real life. He really cares about making the world a better place and that is one of the many reasons why he is such a great guy (and the best Tom).

1. He's a true gentlemen who respects women.


"This generation has lost the true meaning of romance. There are so many songs that disrespect women. You can't treat the woman you love as a piece of meat. You should treat your love like a princess. Give her love songs, something with real meaning. Maybe I'm old fashioned but to respect the woman you love should be a priority." - Tom Hiddleston. This is a very refreshing viewpoint in current culture. We love a man who treats women right.

2. In which we are all James Cordon.


There is no denying that Tom is a very handsome man. The kind Disney princes are made of. (Or anti-villains who live on other planets..)

3. He puts things into perspective.


"Responsibility is power. Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions, and the world is yours. Everything is a choice." - Tom Hiddleston. He really shows that everyone has the ability to make good choices and to have a good impact on others. This is a great lesson to learn and it demonstrates Tom's outlook on the world, which is always positive.

4. Shows that positive energy can change the world.


"There is a lot of darkness in our world; there is a lot of pain, and you can either choose to see that or you can choose to see the joy. If you try to respond positively to the world, you'll spend your time better." - Tom Hiddleston

5. He encourages people to love their lives in order to give back.


He shows that you can't love others if you don't love yourself. You have to see the good in life in order to show that good to others. This is an invaluable message and it is great that Tom is spreading this.

6. He is selfless.


Again, Tom has shown over and over again what it means to be a gentlemen and how to treat people. He shows the beauty in being a loving and kind person.

7. He's an amazing actor.


The talent that he possesses and all the work he puts into his acting is inspiring. I always end up laughing or crying at his scenes in Marvel movies. He definitely has the special ability to make the audience feel what the character is feeling, which is a rare gift.

8. He is a UNICEF UK ambassador.


"I think if I had anything I wanted to leave behind as a message, I'd want people to understand the primacy of kindness. The power of it to change the world." - Tom Hiddleston

9. In conclusion, we should all love Tom Hiddleston.


Whether it's for his kindness and generosity, his acting skills, or his inspirational messages, there are so many reasons to love this guy. We should all find some motivation from him and appreciate all the work he does.

If I've offended any fans of other famous Tom's (Tom Holland lovers, I'm sorry, I love him too) then I apologize sincerely, but I'm certain that this list got you thinking of how amazing this man is. Feel free to put him on the top of your list, I understand.

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