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Today's College Basketball Picture


If you've been watching college hoops lately, you should have realized something by now. These kids are good. And there are a lot of them spread throughout the NCAA.College sports are something that we all can identify with. Usually, there's a handful of teams that have a handful of superstars. Here's the scoop on this year's top teams and players. March Madness is coming to a close this week and we've all gotten a chance to see the best of the best in college hoops show their stuff. 
This year's tournament has been riddled with upsets and some underdogs making deep runs in the brackets. With these unexpected results, I think the variety and prevalence of talent throughout college basketball is worth noting. 
Excluding last year, who ever really heard of the Wichita State Shockers? Who would have thought the Mercer Bears would knock out the legendary Duke? Where did the Dayton Flyers come from, spanking Big Ten powerhouse Ohio State and then the always tourney-worthy Syracuse? How about the Ivy League proving that they're smart and good at sports, with Stanford crushing Kansas' hopes for a title. 
What I'm trying to say is that the seeding in the tournament, the top 25 rankings, what you hear on TV about who's the best all goes out the window the moment the referee tosses the ball in the air at tip off.
Any team can pull off the upset. Any player can rise up and make that game-winning shot at the buzzer and propel a no-name program into greatness. Anything can happen, as this tournament has shown us. 
Along those lines, there are too many players who don't get enough attention on ESPN. If you follow college basketball to any degree, you can probably name some people like Jabari Parker, Andrew Wiggins and Julius Randle. I bet some of you who don't follow it as closely can even name those players. 
But how many of you have heard of Cleanthony Early, from Wichita State? Or Doug McDermott, from Creighton? McDermott just ended his season as the fifth all time leading scorer in the history of college basketball. How many of you can even tell me where Creighton is? 
The bottom line, here, is that there is talent everywhere and it can show up unexpectedly. The usual big-name schools aren't the only ones contending for the title this year. In fact, most of them got knocked out pretty early by the little guys like Mercer and Steven F. Austin – another team no one has ever heard of.
I'd just like to shout out all the players and teams that showed the country that you don't have to go to a big time school to be a big time baller. 

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