Walking in public places, I get double takes at who I'm holding hands with. It's as if a Caucasian female cannot be with a male of a different race.
A majority of the men I dated have been Asian. It seems to be out of the ordinary to some people that a white girl in her late teenage years would do something like this. A majority of my close friends have commented on the cultural stereotypes. You've all heard them. “Isn't he supposed to be studying? That's all Asians do!”
“I heard they're good at math.”
“Can he even see you?”
Then come the more PG-13 rated stereotypes, which I won't even get into.
It's as if because they look different that they are not as desirable. I could not disagree more.
One of the things that attracts me to them is the way they are brought up.
Family is first. Whenever it's time for dinner, everyone in the household must be there.
They learn responsibility for their actions at a young age. Let's get real here. Their parents had it rough in their home country. Now that they're in America, they aren't going to make it any easier. It makes their children stronger and more independent.
Hard work is ingrained in their veins. Their parents lay out rules and chores to do at a young age. As their children grow up, they start to enforce strict study habits that help develop a great work ethic.
Next time you think about saying something racist (and most likely false), think of them as a human being. Treat them no differently than you would a white person. Just because the man I stand by is of a different background, does not mean he is inferior. People of different races have a red heart, just like you and I.