To the small town kid going to college out of state:
So it’s finally here! You’re getting away from your hometown and moving out of state for college and you couldn’t be happier. Going to a new place with people that have no idea who you are is a great feeling and an even better escape. Going to school out of state was the greatest decision I made because I knew I could have a chance to be me and have a fresh start.
The next four years I was able to make friends and they actually knew me for me without making judgments based on my past, which was great. You’re going to miss home at some point believe me so make sure to call your parents every week. However, when you do go home, make it a priority to see your friends from high school, especially your best friends because it’s always nice to reminisce about your time together.
Whether you end up going to a big school like Illinois or a small university like I did at Eastern Kentucky, you will be meeting new people every day so make sure they know the real you and not the fake, high school you.
Going to college out of state will be a breath of fresh air. It will allow you to travel and see a different part of the country and maybe even areas you never imagined you’d see. Coming from the flat lands of South Central Illinois and living in the breathtaking Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia for a summer internship was an unbelievable experience for me. I never would have gotten that opportunity if I would’ve gone to school in Illinois. So when it comes to your college experience, take a summer internship out of your comfort zone and move 11 hours away. You’ll be glad that you did.
So my last pieces of advice for you are this: really be yourself, stay true to your roots, explore your new home, and embrace the experience, because you’re making a smart decision. There’s no reason to afraid of moving away from home. It’s just another step towards growing up.
Anthony Barrett
Effingham High School Class of 2013