I'm laying here next to you thinking about who you are. You're funny, you make me smile and so many other things. Above all, you look at me differently. I don't need to think, I just can feel.
I look at you now and although you're not even touching me, I can still feel that feeling. The one that allows me to smile when your presence is near and I am able to just feel safe. I can just simply look at you and smile.
You're playing a game and getting extremely frustrated about it. You keep screaming, "Babe, babe, help me!" It's actually kind of funny because you're always talking out loud to yourself, but it also reminds you that I'm still there and am always going to be.
I'm so excited for all the memories we're going to make. The laughs, the happy moments and all the fun we're going to have. Even though your sarcasm often makes me angry, I can't imagine you without it.
All of the little moments make me smile. We are constantly doing something, whether it be playing the sport we love, going to the movies, going to a professional game, or something. I love all of them equally because I get to spend time with you.
But, then, there are also the even smaller things. The things that barely matter, but mean so much. The conversations we have, the way we laugh when we're together and the type of charm you have that fills the room.
We could sit in the same room and not say a word for a long time and I would be okay with that. Because in my mind, I am still in your presence and you are still in mine, and in my heart, I know that's what matters most.
You're one of my motivators, always making sure I get everything done and always supporting me with whatever I want to do. You do that because you care. Just like my family and my friends do. And that's something I will always thank you for.
I could lay here all night and just be content. Watching you play your game and listening to you talk out loud to yourself and to me. Not only because I am near you, but because I am happy. Because there's that feeling you give me that makes me feel happy, but then again that same feeling where I know I'm in a good spot for myself. But that's also because, along with my family and friends, you helped me get here.
You're pestering me now to tell you what this is about. Sorry, but you need to read it to find out because I won't tell you. You mean the world to me and no matter where we are, how far apart we are and even how close we are, there's nothing anyone could do to change that.