College is the time when you’re supposed to be finding yourself, preparing for the future, and also having the time of your life. You have complete freedom and a world of opportunities sits before you. But then, you have this weird feeling in your heart.
Everything’s going well for you, but there’s something missing in your life. You’re homesick. You never expected it to hit you this hard, or at all, and you feel hopeless. All you want to do is cry into your pillow and think about how much you’d rather be at home.
The same thing happened to me this semester, and I thought it would never end. Although I only lived an hour away from home, it seemed so foreign and far away. It felt like spring break was just an illusion that would never come, and that the days continued to drag on and on.
That was two months ago, and now, I can happily say that I’m doing much better after a couple of trips back to Columbus.
To those other college students that are in the same boat I was, just know that you’re not alone. This list is for you, of things that helped me make it through the semester.
1. Remember that homesickness is normal.
Home is where our family, pets and best memories live. You miss having your own room, cuddling your dog, and movie night with your parents. It’s perfectly normal to miss home, and don’t be upset with yourself for it.
2. Call home once in a while.
We’re lucky to live in an age with such amazing technology. We don’t have to write letters back home or make a call with a payphone. If you’re feeling down, you can Skype or FaceTime your family so you can see just what you’re missing. You can also text your parents throughout the day to keep them updated. Even looking at a picture of your family can help.
3. It’s okay to cry.
College is a stressful time, full of change and uncertainty. It doesn’t help that you’re far away from your parents. Sometimes, you just have to let it all out. And that’s okay. Humans are emotional beings, and holding it all back can just make it worse.
4. Think about all of the exciting things you’ll get to do when you’re home.
Getting excited about your next break might ease off some of your homesickness. Have fun things planned for your weekend off or your break, and remember that those things will be there before you know it!
5. Watch your favorite TV shows and movies from home.
Nothing makes you feel better than curling up in a blanket and watching a goofy comedy movie. My parents, brothers and I love to have family movie night with comedies from the past 30 years, and watching some of our favorites, like "Napolean Dynamite," helped me to laugh a little during my tough times.
6. Stay focused on schoolwork, but don’t stress yourself out too much.
Remember why you’re at college in the first place: to get a degree. You can’t let thoughts of home take over your life, so make sure you’re keeping up with your assignments and exams. It’s important to take breaks as well, though, because the last thing you want is to be upset and stressed.
7. Write about what you’re grateful for.
This was one of the most helpful things for me this semester. It helped me realize just how blessed I am to have a loving family and a home. Writing out your gratitudes can change your outlook on life and ease the pain of being away from home. At least I still have my family, I remember saying to myself.
8. Take it up with God.
If you’re religious or spiritual, then practicing your faith and praying can have an incredible impact on your life. As a Catholic going to a Catholic university, it would be foolish for me not to take advantage of daily Mass. Even just a prayer before bed can make you hopeful and happy.
9. Get involved.
Instead of spending all day in your room sulking in your own unhappiness, get out and do something that you love! There are organizations for all kinds of causes and hobbies! Miss your dogs? Volunteer at the Humane Society!
I promise, it doesn’t last forever. Second semester can be tough, but you are tougher, and just remember: Summer will be here before we know it!