When times were tough and all I needed was a friend, you were there for me. What seemed like my whole world came crashing down in the blink of an eye, and you were right there to help me pick up the pieces. I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m truly blessed that God put you in my life because I don’t know what I would do without you.
So, to the friend who helped me through my break up, thank you.
Thank you for seeing me at my deepest, darkest point and loving me anyways.
When I was tormenting myself trying to figure out why I wasn’t good enough and what I did wrong to make the one I loved walk away, you made me realize that although I’m not perfect, I am worth more. You made me see that if it was meant to be, it would have been.
Thank you for giving me the right advice – all the time.
Whether it was giving me encouragement to not give up hope when I was missing him so much that it hurt, or if it was the giving me the tough love at times when I needed it - you knew exactly what to say to make me feel better.
Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on.
No, literally. My shoulder to snot drip, hyperventilate, blubbering, ugly cry on (…I’ll buy you a new shirt). Sometimes all a girl needs is a good, long cry with her best friend to make her feel better.
Thank you for making me get out of the house.
When all I wanted to do was lay in bed wearing my sweats on eating a pint (or three) of Ben & Jerry’s while watching The Notebook for the ninth time, you made me get out. You had me dress up with my hair and make-up done, and you took me on a best friend date (aren’t those the best?). You didn’t leave me alone, which oftentimes is an all-too overwhelming feeling after a break-up. Thank you for getting my mind off of things.
Most importantly, thank you for not telling me “I told you so”.
You knew what would happen as soon as I ran up to you a few months before saying “guess who just texted me”, with the biggest smile on my face. But, you saw how excited I was so you put on a happy face and didn’t burst my bubble. You stayed positive and hopeful for me that things would work out this time. I think that's what I love the most about the situation. Even though you knew how much he had hurt me in the past, I could tell that you actually hoped for me that he was different so that he and I could finally be happy together. Things were good the umpteenth time around with he and I, but as with every other time, things came to an end. And when that final ending came, you didn’t tell me “I told you so” like everyone else in my life did. Instead, you held me, loved me, and comforted me. For that, I will forever be grateful.
When all others turned their backs on me because the inevitable happened, you were there for me. You are my best friend, and I’m so glad to have you in my life.