To The Dog Who Got On The Bus
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To The Dog Who Got On The Bus

you were Cody, you found your identity and you are loved

To The Dog Who Got On The Bus

Dear the dog who walked on the bus,

You had no name, no tags and no information. You were the dog who walked into my father's bus in the middle of Staten Island, New York. You waltzed right on, walked off and then decided to walk back on again. You sat next to my dad and stayed out with your tail wagging, never losing faith that you were escaping a life filled with neglect and being unloved. After my dad called my mom to pick you up at one of his stops, you were put in the back of her car and cuddled by my little brother. You smelt of garbage but your tail never stopped wagging. After my mom drove over the bridge back into New Jersey, you were taken to the local animal shelter where you were bathed, groomed, fed and fixed. We came to visit you every single day and played with you and cuddled you, and you continued to not lose faith and kept your tail wagging. After you healed from your surgery and everything was done to fix your dapper self-up, we came back to adopt you and you were no longer the dog who walked on the bus; you became Cody. After the paper work was signed, sealed and delivered, it was time for you to hop on the car and be on your way to your new home where you'd be loved unconditionally, warm, safe and fed. After two weeks of being home, I left to start my job in Florida, and you kept yourself close to my brother and mother. You played with the other dogs, frolicked through the snow in the backyard and kept warm under the blankets in the evening. Jackson, the other family dog, taught you the ways of being the alpha dog and brought you under his wing. He taught you everything you needed to know. You were no longer the dog who walked on the bus, you were Cody. You had an identity again. A years' time passed and I came back home from Florida and you never forgot me. You kept your tail wagging, greeting me back into the house with everyone else. I'd pat you on the head and scratch behind your ears and find your happy spot and gave you a hug hello. I always said that your breath smelt of garbage but I loved you anyway. A few months later, Jackson passed away and you became the new alpha male. While Jackson is sorely missed, you stepped up to the plate and took over his position. You ruled the house, barked up a storm, showed the others right from wrong. I eventually gave you the name of "Hippo", a term that I used affectionately for you. I called you "Hippo" because you sounded like a hippo. You wiggled your ears (that were constantly riddle with yeast infections due to your compromised immune system), snorted around the house and lounged on your side all day with the biggest, well deserved smile on your face.

Time passed, others passed away and everyone grew older as did you. Your coat showed white and your patches of missing hair began to grow back (that's to Mommy's home remedies, love, care and many trips to the doctor) and warts started to grow on you. You slept in bed with daddy and your brother Tito. You became grumpy and arthritic and old age was starting to suit you well. You ate the best food money could buy, and had everything fresh. Mommy did it all for you. One night, you are dinner as usual and had your water and went to sleep. I went out the night before and came home the next morning. When mommy and I woke up, she told me that you weren't feeling good. I came into the bedroom and sat next to you; gave you a pat on the head and scratch behind your ears and you smiled and gave me a kiss. I sat next to you and held your paw and asked if you were okay and you just laid there. I ordered to help you off the bed but you declined and would get up on your own. I smiled and walked away telling mommy that you were just tired. You finally woke up and walked into the kitchen and drank almost your entire bowl of water. You sat down, drooled and gave mommy the look of, "Mommy please help me." We knew you were sick. Mommy woke up brother while I checked your symptoms and came to the conclusion that there was a problem with your stomach. Mommy called the hospital and next thing you knew, you were in the backseat of her car with brother and I was kissing you goodbye. An hour passed and I sat at the kitchen table, picking at my already cold eggs and toast. My phone rang and mom told me that it wasn't your stomach but it was your heart. We had our options but in the end, we knew we had to say goodbye in order to save your life. Mom sent you up to heaven to be with Jackson and all the others who came before you.

It's been a week since you passed and it's still hard for us to get passed. After you died, we found out that your heart was failing. Your heart was so big that it almost literally burst. You gave us and showed us so much love in the five years that we had you with us and even at the end, you loved us through everything. You were never the dog who walked on the bus, you were Cody and you are loved.

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