Writing poetry has always been a talent of mine, but for a very long time, I lost all of my inspiration. I had no desire to write, nor did I believe that I was good at it. One day, I had a stroke of genius and a sudden urge to write after months of no poems. This is what came out of my brain. It's personal and it's real, but I hope it helps someone. I hope it reminds somebody that getting hurt isn't the end all. I hope it also reminds someone that you can try again. You can start over with someone new, and it may just work out for you
To New Beginnings and You
I can't believe God thought so much of me that he gave me you... When I'd lost all hope in love, your smile and your actions gave me proof..
Proof that joy really does come in the morning and that trouble doesn't last always.. You came in like a rushing wave and drowned me in support when I thought I needed space..
Waking up knowing you're mine is heaven on Earth..
You have given me joy and happiness like no other... You gave me love and strength when other men simply gave me trouble...
You are so selfless, steadfast, and willing to move whenever I need help.. I'm overwhelmed with the way you constantly and consistently give yourself... to me.
Loving you has been the best decision I've made for myself in a long time...I tried really hard to build walls that no one could get through.. But you gave me reason to move them myself, reason to embrace you..
I was hesitant and relentlessly fighting what I felt for you... Pain from my past was in the way, reminding me of what I'd already gone through..
But with you... it was easy, easy, easy, easy to let it all go...
You and me...we have a divine connection... Something that can't be broken, not even by the harshest of inspections..
If it doesn't last forever, if we don't make it... I won't even be sad.. Because God used you to give me growth, light, and some of the best memories I'll always have..
You are a dream and I'm dreading the possibility that one day I might have to wake up from you...
You are my very best friend, and you'll always have a place in my heart.. Because with you, I found resilience, newness, and a host of fresh starts..
I'm a firm believer in the fact that people can't change people, that's something God has to do.. But you've helped me see my flaws, and fight some of the battles I couldn't find my way through..
So thank you for your kindness, your patience, your openness, your heart, and your truth.. Thank you for always choosing to be a Man of God and letting me be on this journey with you.