I've never been one to surround myself by a lot girls. Dancing 25 plus hours per week was enough "girl time" for me, so when it came to my personal life, I opted out of having a ton of female friends..and honestly, throughout high school, I wouldn't have wanted things any other way. I loved watching a good football game and throwing around sarcastic remarks with my close guy friends and until recently I didn't think I was missing out on much by never surrounding myself with girls. Boy, was I wrong!
As I entered into my first few weeks at college I quickly realized that what I needed was a good support system filled with people going through the same emotions as I was. Immediately, I turned to the girls I met at my orientation, prior to the beginning of college. They understood my feelings, knew how to cheer me up, and were just plain and simple, fun to be around.
My stereotype against large groups of girlfriends quickly diminished. I finally understood the joys of having three or four great friends to constantly surround myself with. Girls just understand girls, and that is the best part of being around them. They knew when to make me laugh, when to be serious, and exactly what to say to calm my nerves. Having girlfriends has provided me with constant laughter, new clothing, free makeup tutorials, workout buddies, peppy cheerleaders and most importantly, the ever present feeling of love.
Sure, there are days I miss having the guys around but I can honestly say that the friendships I have made over the last four weeks fulfill any empty spaces. I am so thankful for the girls who have come into my life and I can not wait to see where the next four years take us. Here's to you girls; the adventures we will take, the laughter we'll create, and all of the memories down the road.