First off, and most importantly, I need to thank you for putting up with me for as long as you have. Thank you for welcoming me into this family even though it meant giving up your only-child throne. Through the two decades we have spent together, you have gone from being my worst enemy to my best friend, along with everything that comes in between. You are the person that I strive to become, because no matter what life throws your way, you manage to keep moving forward never letting anything stand in your way. I know I have never told you this, but I admire your strength and unwillingness to give up. You have struggled with so many things throughout your life and every time you become so much stronger.
I will be the first to admit that our first few years together (i.e. years 1 through 15) were a little rough. We both have our fair share of scars from slight disagreements. I can honestly say that you and I are lucky to have made it out alive. During those years, we both said some things I know we didn't mean. I mean, being so close in age to a girl who shares a bathroom with you can never lead to anything good. Come on Mom and Dad, you yelled at us for those arguments but in the end, all of the arguments can be traced back to you. Well anyway, I am sorry for our rough patch and I am so glad we have the amazing relationship we have now.
I also want to thank you for being the one to take on the role of being the first child. I know there was plenty of times when Mom and Dad let me do something that you were never allowed to do, and I do realize how frustrating that must’ve been. Just know that just because I was allowed to ride in the car with new drivers and you were not, you are still the original and you are the model child that the rest of us kids have to follow after. So while I am sorry for having different rules to follow, If you could make it a little easier for us other siblings to follow in your footsteps that would be perfect.
So all in all, I am writing this to just say "thank you for being my sister." I know that you had no say in the matter, but I am so glad that I got stuck with you. You are such an inspiration to me because of your attitude towards life. You have never let anything stand between yourself and your goals. You are the true definition of success and I hope you never let anything steer you away from your goals. You are my best friend and every second I get to spend with you has allowed me to learn so much. I know that I can always tell you anything because you will always have the best advice. I love you so much Sissy.
Thank you for being you.