Dear college friends who are now friends with my hometown best friends,
Because I’m hundreds of miles away from my best friends, I can’t always be there for them. So while my friends are at their home away from home, you will be my replacement. First, I feel that I need to tell you about the kind of people they truly are. They are by far the greatest people you will meet in your lifetime, so you should feel lucky to be friends with them. They will make you laugh to the point of crying and cheer you up when you’re feeling down. Throughout all of the bad haircuts, terrible outfit ideas, and just poor life choices in general, they will show no judgement. When you are at your absolute rock bottom, they will be there to pick you up off your feet. No matter what you do to deserve it, they will never be angry with you. They will truly listen to all of your problems and somehow make everything better without trying. Enjoy every moment with them and cherish their friendship, because in a few years you’ll have hundreds of memories and heartfelt stories to look back on.
I hope you go on as many adventures as we did(and not get in trouble by security). I hope you have as many inside jokes and make as many memories with them as I got to. Car jam sessions are a complete must, so be prepared to do lots of those and all-nighters are the absolute best. Trust me, you learn more about them when you’re sleep-deprived at 5 a.m. than months of being friends with them.
Get ready to hear a lot of "Friends" quotes. If you aren’t one already, become a Shonda Rhimes fan, because that’s what we talk about 90% of the time. Also, make sure you go to $5 movie Tuesdays every week, that’s a tradition. Even if there are no good movies out, pick out the trashiest one. You’ll still be quoting it a year later. Always be on your toes. Never be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, because you never know what will happen next with those two. Most importantly, I hope you love them as much as I do. They have changed my life for the absolute better and I hope they do the same for you.