FINALLY finals are over, but now what?
Now it is time to actually sleep. Black out your window, spend a couple days in your PJ's, watch movies and/or TV shows to your hearts content. (Showers are recommended, but not required.
2. Get Outside
Now that you are back to being a functioning member of society, remember that there is an outside world. Sun is important for your mental well being. You also have friends that I’m sure would love to see you. You now have all the free time, use it wisely.
3. Spend quality time with your family
Yes they may not always be the most fun to hang around, (no mom this is not directed at you) they will appreciate it. It also makes you not miss home as much later.
4. Bring out that old school board game
If you are like me and have no idea what to do with all this new found free time and will LOOSE your mind if you spend one more minute in the house binge watching whatever you can find, grab your favorite board game. You can call friends or make it a family affair and create more memories that you'll remember later in life.
5. Check off your DIY Dream List
This is the time; your parents will probably even pay for it. Which, let’s be honest, is part of the reason we don't attempt (key word) quite as many. Have at it, but remember to wear protective gear. Going back to school with all of your limbs, that had been previously attached, is kind of expected.
6. Explore your hometown
Remember all of those place that you and your friends used to hang out, go back there. The food is probably just as good and the people even better! Even better go somewhere you have never been and find the next great hangout. This is also a great way to cure home sickness!
7. If you're 21, go get a drink..... or 10
See the new side of your home town that before you could only watch pathetically from a far. Hey guess what? You made it to the big leagues now!!!! Just be mindful of your wallet, you do need gas money to get back to school.
8. Catch up with your neighbors
These people have watched you grow up and have rooted for you along the way. Make sure you take time to see them and just talk for a bit. You can never have too big of a support system, remember that!
9. Volunteer
If you have the time, volunteer. I'm sure there are plenty of places in your neighborhood that could use the extra set of hands; this also looks amazing when applying for jobs and internships. Two birds with one stone.
10. Free time only lasts so long
Unfortunately, right when you start getting used to having all the free time in the world classes begin again. Take advantage and make some memories while you can. It's cheesy, but it's true that you only remember the times together not what kind of phone you had.