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7 Things You Need to do Before Studying Abroad

Follow these tips to be prepared.

7 Things You Need to do Before Studying Abroad

Before heading off to your new study destination abroad, there are several steps you need to take prior to your departure. Studying abroad is a learning experience and you become more independent from the moment you step off that plane into a country you may have never been before. To ease the stress and anxiety, prepare yourself with these 7 steps:

Schedule a meeting with your advisor


Before accepting my nomination to study abroad, I scheduled a meeting with my advisor so I could make sure the courses I plan on taking abroad would transfer back to my home university. Make sure you have enough credits and are able to study abroad. If a class does not transfer, is this the right program for you? Plan out your quarter or semester with your advisor. They are there to help you — so never be afraid to ask.

Make sure you have all your paperwork ready prior to leaving


I cannot emphasize this enough: one of the biggest mistakes I made was not making sure all my documents made it to immigration prior to leaving the United States. Not only has my first month been full of anxiety but it has made my experience full of worry. Get all the information you need for a student visa/permit as soon as you accept your nomination and study abroad dates. Even if you are not leaving for a year, start the process as early as possible. Your sanity will thank you.

Budget and manage your finances


Make sure you have sufficient funds to support yourself while you are abroad. Applying for grants and scholarships specifically for studying abroad can help with tuition and sometimes housing. Look into what scholarships your major offers as well. Some majors have scholarships exclusively for those in their programs. Having sufficient funds is a requirement to receive your student visa. For example, the Iceland student visa application requires copies proving you have sufficient funds in your bank account. On top of applying for scholarships and grants, work prior to your trip. I worked every week up until two days before I left for my study abroad trip. Practice budgeting at home so when you arrive to your destination you will be use to budgeting. It could be as simple as making coffee and tea at home rather than going to a coffee shop every morning.

Communicate with your family and friends

Ask the people you share a special bond with what they think about you studying abroad. Having support from family back at home while abroad will help keep the homesickness away. Download apps that allow you to communicate easily with family if you will have WiFi.

Figure Out Your Phone Plan’s International Fees

Decide whether it is cheaper keeping your phone plan back at home or if purchasing a sim card in the country you will be studying is more economical. If you are staying over a quarter, maybe getting a sim card will be inexpensive compared to paying international fees to your phone service at home.

Prepare to be confused

If you are going to a country that does not speak English, prepare to be confused. Street signs, advertisements and menus may become a challenge. The best way to avoid this? Well you could learn the language. Most universities offer beginner language courses for exchange/international students. Another way is to become friends with a student who is from the country you are visiting. This way you are able to see a locals point of view of the country and they may introduce you to more people from that country as well. Think of this as Networking, but it will actually be fun hanging out and talking to new people.

Write down where you want to explore/visit while there

Every country has several adventures to offer. Research what is available in the country that sparks your interest. Do you like coffee? Go on Yelp and look up the top rated cafes in the country. Got a hiking itch? Look up some travel blogs about the country you are visiting. The internet is a wonderful resource to learn about things to do in each country.

Whether you are going to the explore the Andes Mountains or viewing the Aurora Lights, I am sure your study abroad experience will be life changing.

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