As a pre-nursing major, I learned quickly that my grades would greatly affect my potential to be accepted into the nursing program. They were literally my key to success. Therefore, at the beginning of my freshman year my study habits had to change completely. In high school, I did all my assignments and had very good grades, but I never really learned how to study effectively. Here are some of my tips that made my studying more effective and less dreadful.
Read the Textbook.
I know this one seems like a no brainer, especially if you are anything like myself, but let me tell you when all 3 of your science professors assign you 40 page chapters all due in the text two days it is a very daunting task. When I did to try and conquer all the reading that was set out before me was to chunk it. You will find out that you have a lot of small breaks here and there…whip out those pages and start reading. Not only does reading the chapters actually help you understand more of what you are reading, but it also encourages you to know what you don’t know and produces questions for you to ask your professors.
Ask Questions.
Like I said above, usually reading will help you know what kinds of questions to ask, but its extremely important to ask them. Questions lead to explanations. When you are asking your professor a question they are able (hopefully) to give you an explanation that allows you to essentially “connect the dots.”
Take Breaks.
I don’t know how many times I would sit and stare at my anatomy notes and book and really not comprehend anything because I felt like my brain was fried. I usually study for 30-45 minutes straight (everyone is a little different-test out different time spans) and then I would go on Instagram or Facebook for 5-10 minutes. It would allow me to just relax for a brief period of time. I actually found myself able to remember more material and not feel “fried” after.
Take Notes.
A major difference from high school to college is many teachers in high school have power points prepared for you that are note taking ready. In college the professor will usually have some sort of power point presentation for you, but don’t try and copy every word down. First off, you will never get everything you need and secondly you don’t need all the fluff. Instead, focus on what the professor is saying. Listen to key words like, “you need to know…,” “this may be on an exam…,” and “you should write this down…” Also, information you are struggling with understanding write down the main points on those slides and what the professor is saying about that particular concept.
Make Flash Cards.
Flash cards saved my butt so many times. I would hand write all my flashcards, whether it was vocab on a chapter or quiz questions that may be on an exam. Not only was I able to quiz myself and go through all of them, I also remembered a lot of the material by having to rewrite it from my notes. Also, I could take them anywhere with me lunch, dinner, etc.
I know everyone’s study habits are different and each person learns differently, but I hope some of my tips can help make studying a little easier. Not every exam is going to come back with the exact grade that you want (I know this first hand), but I do believe that if you put in the effort you will be rewarded for your hard work.