Packing is like the super bowl of putting away laundry. Personally, I like packing, so it might be easier for me to get it over with. On the other hand, my boyfriend hates packing, and he inspired this article by sending me messages that read, "It's boring" and "I hate it I hate it I hate it."
If you live in a dorm, you realize the struggle of unpacking and repacking a lot. At my school, we switch rooms each semester, and through my experience of packing up an entire room so often, I have come across some helpful tips on packing.
1. It is never too early to start. Once it is warm, don't be afraid of putting your winter clothing in a storage bin. I started packing my room 1.5 weeks before I left for summer.
2. Make it fun and listen to music or have netflix on.
3. Take breaks. Never try to pack and clean everything in one night, it will be a terrible night.
4. Plan ahead with laundry, wash your sheets a day or two prior to packing so they aren't super dirty, but you don't have to stress about them the day everything needs out of the room.
5. Always find something to do. Sometimes packing can get overwhelming. Everything needs to get done, yet nothing can get done. Do what you can, even if it just means folding your clothes in your drawers to make it easier when you're packing them.
6. If your school is like my school, you have a storage space in your dorm. A tip for that is to take a couple of bins down at a time, fill them up, then put them back before grabbing new bins. That way you never have to take 10 trips to the storage space in one day.
7. Don't get distracted and forget to pack. Although this seems like a ridiculous point to make, it is probably the most important. I notice this happens a lot with my boyfriend. I will be helping him pack and then realize he is on youtube, or staring at the wall contemplating life, and ultimately forgetting to pack. He will be surrounded by bins and clothes and just sit there, feeling the same misery as if he were packing, yet not getting anything done. It is essential to happy packing to feel productive and on top of things
8. Relax, packing shouldn't be stressful. You're literally just putting your things where they go.