For the humanities majors, having to take a science or math course to graduate is one of the hardest parts of our college careers. We dread it. We hate it. And we struggle to get a good grade.
Our brains aren't geared towards numbers. We prefer reading and analyzing otherwise we would've chosen a different kind of major. This makes the task of the required labs even more difficult. But just because we have to take these courses doesn't mean we have to resign ourselves to a bad grade.
1. Go over your notes every single night.
I mean it. Give yourself breaks on the weekends, but otherwise, read over your notes and figure out what you're finding difficult. If you find that something confuses you while you're reviewing, write that question down to research later. Your brain will commit the information to memory the more you read it, and before you know it, you'll be filling in the blanks without having to read the end of the sentences.
2. Go to office hours.
They're there for a reason. Most professors are aware that students will be taking their class to fulfill a general education requirement and understand that it is not the easiest material to learn. Come prepared with some questions and don't be shy about asking for clarification.
3. Write out possible questions that might be asked on exams.
Using flash cards and your lecture notes, write out every possible question you can think can be asked from what you've been taught. Chances are that your professor will think of similar questions, and you'll have the answers waiting in the back of your mind.
4. Watch crash courses online.
They're formatted similarly to a lecture, so if there was something that you missed the first time around and need to hear again, these are super helpful! Most manage to cover the most important information in a shorter span of time, making it easier to remember the basics.
If you're in the same boat as me (AKA taking an introductory biology class this semester and crying inside), there is no sure-fire recipe to the perfect grade. You'll have to work harder since it isn't material you're used to. But if you put the work in, that A becomes less difficult to reach.