When choosing a college so far away the hardest part was realizing that I was going to have to leave all of my friends and family. And there is always one friend that is the hardest to leave. She was "my person" and going to a college so far away from her, almost held me back from choosing that path. We were the best of friends, we did everything together. She is the kind of friend that you can sit in the living room on your phones and still have the time of your life with. Leaving was hard, but here are some tips in order to keep your friendship strong and make it last the distance.
1. Schedule a time to FaceTime each other every week.
At first, it will seem hard to find a time every week to call each other but trust me, its worth it. The value of having that time to talk to the person you miss the most will make the homesickness go away, and it is always nice to get opinions on the super hot guy in you Sociology class without any bias.
2. Send her little texts of pictures from the past.
When pictures popped up on Timehop of us, I would always send them to her to let her know that I missed her. This was important because sometimes in all of the excitement of making new friends, your friends from high school start to fade out. Having that reminder for me and her kept us really close.
3. Send her all the memes that remind you of her.
Every little thing that remind me of her, I would send to her. It would let her know I was thinking about her while giving her something to laugh at.
4. Make new friends.
I know, it's scary. Though, you will make friends and they will also be great and you will love them. These are the friends who are going to meet the hot guy from Sociology and tell you he really isn’t that hot. These are the friends that will wake you up for your 9 a.m. when you just can’t. You will miss your BFF from home, but hopefully, she will be making friends too. It is important to allow growth and separate from each other a little. At the end of the day, she is still the one that got you through your first crush from Social Studies.
5. Plan your reunion ahead of time.
Plan what you are going to do when you see each other next. Make it special, like a lunch at your favorite local restaurant or movies and snacks at her house. Plan it and set a date and time. Begin a countdown. Seeing the days tick down will make everything go faster.
Going to college is hard, though the hardest part is missing your friends. Don’t feel like you have to do every single one of these, I am a slightly obsessive best friend. Make them your own, do what is best for you and your best friend. If you don’t feel at peace away from her you will never be able to thrive in college.