These past few weeks, I decided to embark on a social experience to see how many f--k boys actually are on Tinder waiting to f--k over their next victim. According to Urban Dictionary, a f--k boy is "a manipulating d--k who does whatever it takes to benefit him, regardless of who he screws over. They will screw over anyone and everyone as long they get what they want."
So how my social experiment worked was I set up my Tinder that was hooked up to my Facebook and Instagram to assure that I was in fact real. Then I put up some photos and made a bio that screamed I want the f--k boys' attention. I changed it three times because I got some people that thought I was fake because of my bio that said I just wanted to have some "fun" aka casual sex. I think it said something like "Tinder is for casual sex...right?" Then I finally changed it to, "F is for friend who do stuff together. U is for U and Me. N is for every where and anytime at all (and inserted a smirking emoji).
My prediction was that if I swiped right on every guy, I would get a 75 percent f--k boy rate with the bio I had. Here are some of the f--k boys I met.
I love getting lines from dumb f--k boys like this and totally shutting down their cheesy ass lines like my couch pulls out.
Or just being sassy for no reason at all.
Or using gifs to get your message across. I used a lot of these gifs more than just once. (NO GOD NO!!!, Patrick getting down, and We could play monopoly.)
And the amount of time I corrected their grammar was ridiculous!
Or just coming across blatant f--k boys like this
But here's the real statics I found...
I swiped right on 500 guys.
Out of those 500 guys, 316 matched with me.
Out of those 316 matches, 169 had conversations with me. This makes me think that a lot of guys are just on it for fun and entertainment. Just swiping, but not actually connecting with people.
Out of those 169 conversations only 46 blatantly only wanted to have sex.
So that's a f--k boy acceptance rate of 27 percent.
So that's actually very hopeful. Only about one in four guys will turn out to be f--k boy on Tinder. So next time some one questions you about why the hell you're using tinder is just a place for f--k boys and casual sex.
Show them this article and politely tell them to f--k off.
Consider that myth debunked.