Best friends are people who make your problems their problems, just so you don't have to go through them alone.
Dear best friend,
By the time you read this letter, I will be gone. Just kidding. This is to make you read this letter because I know you're lazy AF. And nope, girl, I ain't leaving this world without you, what would you do without me? And vice versa. You cannot die before me. That's the number one rule of our friendship. OK, let's cut this dying thing. Why would I even begin a letter with this? But hey, that's how important you are to me -- I am not ready for a world without you or will I ever be. I am writing this letter to celebrate our friendship and tell you how ridiculously important you are to me.
You save me, like, literally.
You know how hard life is, right? But then, what can we do. To make it a little bit easier God created our second half to whom we can share everything and anything. And yep, we call them best friends -- this is my theory. Whenever I feel sad, low, pressured, and all the synonyms of "sad," talking to you changes my mood from "I just want to give up" to "bring it on, Life! Nothing can drag me down." I thank you for saving me and teaching me to make badass lemonade when life gives me lemons. You the real MVP.
My human diary
How can you even go on listening to me for hours? You never get tired of me nor my endless nagging. I tell you about every little thing that happens to me -- I have no hesitation whatsoever. You don't judge . What horrible judge you will be if you ever worked in a court. I hide no secrets from you and know that yours are safe with me too *wink*. You are my human diary and I hope you continue to be so. You are always so patient with me. Best friends are diamonds, precious and rare. I always feel rich because I have you.
Hey, one reminder
Don't let anybody call you their best friend. I know you are nice and best-friend material, but I found you first. If someone calls you their best friend, just remember who went with you at 2 a.m. because you wanted to crap yourself right after watching a horror movie. And remember who helped you text your high school boyfriend. Yes, that was me, girl. So if someone ever tries to get close to you and call you their best friend, just close your ears, turn slowly, and run as fast as possible. I don't like sharing. You are my best friend. You can make friends, but the rule is to love me more.
I know I don't say it often, but I love you, best friend. Nobody can replace you or make me feel better when I am at the verge of giving up. Thank you for saving me every single time. Thank you for being my listening wall. Thank you for keeping up with me. Thank you for all the positive vibes. Thank you for giving me the gift of friendship. Thank you for existing. Thank you.
Your one and only best friend