It's the start of the spring semester and there are two things happening right now in the college Greek world-- one, continuous open bidding (COB for short), or two, spring rush (or recruitment, as my university calls it). Either way, you have a chance to join a Greek chapter in the spring, through either of these two methods.
Before you make the decision to go Greek and accept your bid, there are a few things you need to think about.
1. Cost
Each chapter has their own monthly or semester dues that vary in price. There are also dues before you get initiated to pay for your badge and other fees. Before you say "yes" to your bid, make sure that you know the whole story about the fees. And if you thing you'll have trouble paying the fees, the Treasurer should be able to work with you on a payment plan. In my experience, this is the reason why a lot of girls drop!
2. Time Commitment
I will quote basically every professor I have ever had when I say, you get out of it what you put into it. If your weekly schedule is already jam-packed with extra curricular activities and can barely find time for some R&R, a sorority might not be for you. On top of weekly meetings, you might also be required to go to other chapter's philanthropy events as well as your own. And if you don't go to anything extra and don't make an effort to get to know your new sisters, then you are going to absolutely despise Greek life and you'll end up regretting your choice to join. I cannot stress enough how much time you will be spending with your chapter once you join!
3. How You Fit In
This might be the most important aspect of joining Greek life. Obviously you don't want to join a chapter where you don't fit in with anyone, because believe me, 50 plus girls spending that much time together can result in a lot of unwanted and unwarranted drama. Would you be willing to take on a leadership position or do you just want be in a sorority and call it a day? How you will benefit the chapter and where you fit in are important for you to keep in mind and what chapters use when deciding to offer you a bid.
If you're thinking about rushing or going through the COB process keep these three things in mind as you try to maneuver Greek life on your campus! Happy Rushing!