“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” If any retail worker believes that I’m betting that it’s because of the overtime and holiday pay. Retail workers spend their days working hard to make your Christmas shopping as enjoyable as possible, but that doesn’t mean that they’re only thinking happy thoughts. Here are some of the things running through retail employees' minds.
“No, we cannot give you the Black Friday deal. That was two weeks ago.”
“I just recovered that table, if you mess it up I will cry.”
“If I hear this song one more time today I will scream.”
“Yes please, leave everything in the fitting room when I am so busy that I can't grab it.”
"Yes, my sole purpose is to help you, and only you, and I am not going to give any attention to any other customers."
“Seriously, don’t mess up that table.”
“Can I tell everyone that we're closing early?”
“I wonder how many people that I can convince to open a credit card?”
“I said not to mess up the table!”
“Is this line ever going to end?”
“Wow, thanks for that vague description, I know exactly what you’re talking about.”
“I’ll fix the table later.”
“If you feel bad that we're here all night, why are you here?”
“When is my break?”
“How did you manage to make the table worse than it already was?”
“Can I go home now?”
"We should get time and a half for Black Friday."
“That coupon expired in June, no thanks.”
“No, we don’t have anything else in the back, especially in the most common size.”
"Why on Earth does this table look so bad?"
“I should have worn more comfortable shoes.”
“Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.”