16. "I'm glad I don't go out much, I'm not missing much." | The Odyssey Online
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19 Thoughts Every Girl Who Is A Homebody Has During A Night Out

*Immediately regrets decision*

penny from big bang theory

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There are some girls who love to go out, and there are other girls who hate it. I am on the latter end of that spectrum, and I don't like to go out. I mean, maybe once in a blue moon do I want to go out, but nine times out of 10 I am just happy to be at home. If you're a homebody like me, I'm sure you can relate to these 19 things we think during a night out.

1. "OMG, why did I agree to this?"

I already want to go back home.

2. "Did I wear the right kind of clothes?"

Why can't I just be wearing jeans and a t-shirt?

3. "No, thank you. I don't drink."

4. "Why are they doing that... wait... OMG... EW!"

How is that even appropriate to do in public?!

5. "Do people actually enjoy this?"

6. "I wish I was at home with my animals."

I love my cat and my dog. I want to be home with them.

7. "I wish I could watch TV or YouTube right now."

8. "I am so glad I wore comfortable clothes."

But, am I underdressed?

9. "Do people actually enjoy this?"

How is this any better than sitting at home? It isn't.

10. "I want to go home and I want to go home now."

Why did I ever agree to do this?!

11. "Maybe this isn't too bad..."

12. "...wait it is that bad."

13. "I'm honestly really hungry."

Why didn't I eat more? I knew we were going to be out late.

14. "I'd rather be laying down in my bed right now."

Gah, I miss my bed.

15. "Why are there SO MANY people here?"

16. "I'm glad I don't go out much, I'm not missing much."

I LOVE being at home.

17. "At least I'm here with my friends."

18. "Can I sit down or something?"

Why does everyone feel the need to stand up? Ugh.

19. "I am NEVER doing this again!"

*Ah, the sweet relief of my bed."

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