In today’s day and age, digital marketing has become the most influential way to reach an audience.
Think about your iPhone, which is most definitely in your hand as you read this. Our cell phones have become an extension of us —they are our communication device, news source and a way to share our lives with the world. We use and update our social media as instinctively as we eat, sleep and breathe.
I see social media as an incredible tool that brings people from around the world together: a digital clique. Just a few days ago, a favorite food Instagram account of mine reached 100,000 followers. I repeat: 100,000 people, following one exclusive account. That's 100,000 other people, all around the world, all looking at the same picture I see on my very own newsfeed.
This huge accomplishment started with a simple, spur of the moment idea in June of 2014. Why you may ask? The answer: so that their own food pictures would never be rejected from other food accounts ever again. Funny, right?
Devon Rushton and Lissie Shubin run the amazing food account with 100,000 followers — throw it a follow — @food_ilysm. The two girls vowed to keep their identity a secret from all friends until the account had 1,000 followers.
“I think we decided to do so because we still weren’t sure if @food_ilysm was something we were going to stick with or if it was just going to be something we thought was fun for a few weeks,” Rushton said.
Interestingly enough, today the account brings the girls much fame.
After reaching their initial goal of 1,000 followers, submissions from people started pouring in, people began tagging the account and their following grew exponentially.
“I think the first big thing that happened that made me realize, ‘Wow this thing could actually have potential,’ was when I got an email from the owner of a restaurant in Philadelphia, Hai Street Kitchen, offering for me to come in and try their food in exchange for a post of it on my account. That’s when I realized this account was turning into something,” Rushton said.
This moment marked Rushton’s beginning as an ambassador for the food industry and the “foodie” community’s easy and free publicity hub. This part-time job does not come without some perks. With startup restaurants and bakeries itching for exposure, they send Rushton anything and everything, from cookies, t-shirts and most recently, Baked by Melissa macaroons (an all-time favorite!).
For those seeking attention for their business, the @food_ilysm account has become part of many company’s digital communications strategy. The astonishing connectivity has brought Instagram users together as they peruse yummy food on their feeds. It has sparked conversation, and most importantly, is a source of pride for Devon Rushton.
“When I was going through sorority recruitment a little over a year ago, I remember bringing up my account a few different times. Many times, the people I talked to actually knew of the account and even followed it. I remember thinking it was so cool that someone I was meeting for the first time had already known about it. That was definitely an exciting feeling."
What is it about Instagram that engages our generation? Perhaps it’s the opportunity users are given to present themselves to the world — design their image. Each account, ranging from those with 100,000 followers to those with 10, is specifically and uniquely designed to reflect its owner. We all share our posts in different ways —focusing on colors, style or countless other factors. Social media is an art, constructed using all different features by each artist individually.
Rushton’s aptitude for graphic design definitely doesn’t hurt. Her logo, created about five months ago, was born out of her newfound love for Photoshop, a tool she has used to branch out beyond @food_ilysm. But, up until that point, the profile icon was a picture of mac and cheese, a crowd favorite that tends to score a lot of likes!
“I post about eight to 12 times a day. I know that seems like a lot and I know a lot of other food accounts post much less frequently. But, posting a lot is something my account is known for.” There’s a method behind her madness. The “yumminess” of the picture is crucial. The more it makes your mouth water, the better.”
To Devon, the “artsy-ness” of the photo is of less importance.
“I can definitely say when it comes to deciding what to post, the picture of the cheesy mac and cheese will definitely come before the pretty macaroons.”
Well, there you have it; get those submissions in!
Shout out to @christinapax for the current most liked photo submission. At a standing of over 11,000 likes, her “Yogurt and Such” FROYO definitely made everyone’s mouth water. “I would say photos of french fries, pizza, and ice cream definitely bring in the most likes,” said Rushton. Yumminess factor unquestionably achieved.
So how does it feel to have over 100,000 people following her very own Instagram account? Well, Rushton says:
“Honestly, I’m not going to be humble at all here. It feels completely amazing. I have put so much time and dedication into this account, so it is truly rewarding to see that ‘100k’ every time I hit ‘profile.'”
In the beginning, Rushton spent a great deal of time finding her target audience and discovering ways to receive submissions and differentiate her own account from the millions of others out in cyberspace. While some may shrug their shoulders and think it is just an ordinary social media account, Rushton believes it is so much more. “This account has taught me more than you could ever imagine in digital marketing, social media marketing and social media management to boot.”
She only has plans to take the account upward.
“I definitely only see @food_ilysm growing. There is no part of me that ever gets tired of posting or thinks of it as a burden. It has become a part of my day to manage the account and I truthfully love it. It has even inspired me to want to pursue social media marketing and management in the future as a possible career.”
Not only has this account contributed to helping her discover her major, but one day, her hope is to turn the account into a brand. “Whether it be making recipes or products, I would love to see it turn into something more than just a social media product.”
To an average teenager on Instagram, Devon Rushton is a celebrity. But to Devon, she’s just an average girl. Hannah Montana anyone?! “Maybe when I can drop out of college because food_ilysm is supporting me, I will feel cool and famous. I’ll have to get back to you on that one.”
Until then, her posts will continue, her new ideas will appear all over Instagram and your stomach will be growling looking at all those @food_ilysm pictures. So, grab that coveted iPhone of yours and tweet or post about @food_ilysm — it will be the first step in your digital marketing career.
Who knows, maybe your next Instagram post will set you on your way to 100K. For more by Devon Rushton, be sure to follow @devonsdesigns and shop her designs on And of course, always remember: the camera eats first!