Your best friend is your best friend for a reason. They get you unlike anyone else ever could. No matter how much you have fought, no issue was too big to overcome. They have been there for you through it all, the one who will be by your side for the whole ride. Let's be real, though. Your best friend is good for a lot more than just the sappy emotional stuff.
1. You will have at least one person at your wedding.
When all else fails, they’ll be there no matter what. Most likely because they have helped you plan it out for the past ten years. It's as much of an investment for them as it is for you.
2. They won’t judge you when you take 18 cookies.
There is no doubt they are taking just as many for themselves. Once you're done hoarding them all, they are definitely helping you find more carbs to stuff your face with, because what's one more bowl of pasta?
3. Nothing.
Sometimes, they are of absolutely no help. You come to them with a pressing issue or looking for some sympathy and they give you nothing.
4. There is no such thing as escaping them.
They are here to stay, whether you like it or not. They're similar to having a piece of tape stuck to your finger and you can’t shake it off no matter how hard you try. You guys are in it for the long haul.
5. They always tell it how it is.
Don’t know if you look like shit? Well, you’re going to find out. That's what they are there for after all, right? They'll no doubt keep your ego in check.
6. Their family likes you better than them
You are welcomed with open arms and are the "de facto" favorite child. They know all about your life and are more interested in it than their own child's. Text messages saying "My mom asked about you today" are frequent.
7. Insults are the new compliments.
“You’re ugly” and “You’ll live alone with 47 cats” and “Why is anyone even friends with you?” are phrases you hear daily. You don't think twice about greeting them with an insult, even if you haven't seen them in a few months.
8. You always have them review risky texts before you send them.
Because they always know what to say. 99 percent of the pictures sent between you guys are screenshots of messages.
9. Asking to hang out really means asking to come over and eat food.
You both gave up on that summer body three years ago.
10. It takes 274,837,638 attempts before you mutually agree on one photo
But when it comes time to post a photo to Instagram, you always choose the one that you look best in.
11. You pretend to be a couple in public.
It’s just practice for when you actually get married at age 40.