1. I definitely don't need to do the readings for this class.
We all know those classes that assign boat loads of readings but don't actually quiz you on them. Oh you need to read them so you can participate in discussion? Put those skimming skills to good use. It is only 5% of your grade.
2. I'm so behind on my readings for this class.
Then there's the class that assigns boat loads of readings and tests you on it. Two chapters a night? That doesn't sound bad right? Until you realize that each chapter is 100 pages and it takes you 2.5 hours to read each one. Cue the mental freak out that you're already behind in class and it's only the first week.
3. I don't need this textbook.
You find out really quickly if you need to drop the cash for a textbook. And most of the time it's after you already bought it. Time to go on Textbook Exchange and see if you can sell it... or get creative with reusing it.
4. I need to find time to work out.
With a new schedule and trying to find time to do your homework, working out has fallen to the wayside. Plus stress eating is definitely real. Your Spring Quarter goal of getting a hot summer body is looking real bleak. Maybe you can squeeze in a workout while studying (see option 2 for reusing your textbooks).
5. I need to get some sleep.
New schedule, busy days and you don't have a good sense of how to manage your time yet with new obligations. Plus the feeling that you're still on Spring Break has you procrastinating like there's no tomorrow. What time is it? 3 am and you're just starting your Psychology reading? Typical night. Mornings are pretty much coffee pouring into your veins through an IV.
6. Spring weather isn't consistent.
Finally when the weather seems it's getting better and you pull out those cute dresses and flip flops, the next day it's cold again. Ugh. Evanston.
7. I'm not on Spring Break anymore.
It's a hard truth, but the first week is a major wake up call. You can't lounge around all day watching Netflix anymore and ordering food through Postmates. The truth will hit you hard.