It seems like just yesterday you were studying for finals, packing your bags and bidding your goodbyes for the summer. Believe it or not, it’s already time to go back, and you're as unprepared as ever. Busy work and class schedules have made this summer fly by, leaving you with a rather lengthy list of things that still haven’t been done, and definitely need to be done, for the upcoming school year.
1. Unpack from last year.
Though it probably would have made the week before move in a lot easier, you decided to leave all of your stuff from last year under your basement stairs, still stuffed into black garbage bags. Now, instead of going through the disaster you’ve created for yourself, you're just going to wing it and hope you have everything you need.
2. Check your student email.
About 90% of your 500 unread emails will probably be junk mail, but sorting through to find the urgent messages from your fall 2016 professors is going to take some time. Now you're going to start to resent the voice in the back of your head that always reminded you to have fun and pushed any responsible thoughts out the window.
3. Talk to your roommate. About anything.
Sure, you figured out who is bringing the tapestry and those cute twinkly lights you’ve imagined hanging around your window, but when it comes to the real stuff? You have no idea, and you’re at serious risk of packing two foutons and three TVs into your room next year.
4. Pet your dog.
Your pets won't be there in a couple of weeks, and, trust me, you’re going to regret not spending more time with them.
5. See the friends you’ve been meaning to see.
You know, the friends you occasionally run into, make future plans with and then don’t talk to until the next run in. You’ve been meaning to catch up with them, and summer was the perfect time to do so, but now you’re scrambling to make these plans at the last minute because, once again, you’ve left them on the back burner.
6. Make time to enjoy the summer.
Remember that bucket list you made for the summer? You probably didn’t write it down, but I’ll bet it’s tucked back in the corner of your memory somewhere. You most likely didn’t do any of the things on it, but no fear, you still have a week or two!