Whatever you're doing can't be more important than these things unless you're performing surgery, but if you're reading this while performing surgery then I think you have some bigger problems to deal with.
1. Drink water
If your pee isn't clear then you're not drinking enough water (just kidding- I'm no doctor so I have no clue if that's true)! But seriously, if you're a college student or working full time then I'm like 99% sure that you're dehydrated. Don't have any clean cups? Well then go wash one like the adult that you are! Stop making excuses and hydrate, I promise it's not that hard.
2. Eat a real meal
A handful of cereal and some crackers doesn't count, and neither does 2 pieces of chocolate and some Pringles, you psychopath. Nobody can do their best work, creative or academic, on an empty stomach, so go find a vegetable or some protein because I know your ass isn't going to the gym so the least you can do is feed yourself routinely. You don't have to be a master chef make a good meal and the internet provides plenty of options too choose from.
3. Take a minute to breathe
Stress is just as bad as dehydration or a lack of sleep, so don't forget to take a minute to breathe every now and again. And I mean some deep breaths, not whatever half-assed bullshit you've been doing all day. These breaths are meant to help clear your mind, not keep you in the same funk that you've been in since Monday morning. I know you've heard it before: in through the nose and out through the mouth.
4. Let out your pet
If you can't remember the last time that you let your cat/dog/iguana out for a bathroom break then this is your daily reminder to do so. It's not their fault that you were too distracted watching Charlie D'Amelio do the WAP dance to remember to let them out. Also, while you're at it, you should probably go to the bathroom and get some fresh air too (and for everyone's sake, please make sure those are mutually exclusive).
5. Charge your phone
I'm not your mom so I'm not going to tell you to take a break from your phone (since that's almost impossible during this pandemic anyways), but at the very least make sure your phone is charged!!! Mine died the other day and was out of power for about 6 minutes, during which my mother called and texted me like 12 times before assuming I was dead so PLEASE do everyone a favor and make sure you can be reached at all times.
Here are five undebatable things you need to do NOW.