When your long distance best friend comes to visit, things go back to being the same. Whether you saw each other three weeks ago, or three months ago, it is like no time has passed when you're together. They're one of the people who just get you no matter what, and you can't wait when you get to be reunited from time to time. All of the following happens when they finally arrive:
1. You both have the brief catching-up phase, but they're always up to speed about what's happening. Let's be honest, they already know everything about all your friends anyways.
2. You spend every waking second together; they even sleep in the same room (or bed) so you can have those random conversations only you and your BFF have.
3. You ask them those weird questions you were afraid to ask anyone else who wouldn't get you. You realize they were wondering the same thing, but were waiting for you to ask first.
4. Your boring, regular day-to-day routine is so much better because you're doing absolutely nothing, but it's with your best friend.
5. You go shopping because you need your best friend's advice on what to wear. I always need someone to ask, "do I love this, or is it just really ugly?"
6. They immediately jump to your defense to agree with you even if they have no idea what's going on--but that's what their duty is as your best friend.
7. You Snapchat and text them even though they're sitting right next to you because you're so used to talking to them every waking second--especially during the shows that you already watch together anyways.
8. They feel the exact same way about you as you do them. They might also have said that they love you as they left to go get coffee without you. What would you do without your BFF?
9. You're already planning your next visit to see each other even though they haven't even left yet.