No matter what you are studying in school, there will always be someone that has something to say about your major. Being a psychology major is no exception to that. Here are a few things you may hear when you let others know that you are a psych major.
1. "You know you are going to have to go to grad school, right?"
I am planning on continuing on to a graduate program, but not everyone does. You can get jobs with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, you can just get into more psychology specific jobs with an advanced degree.
2. “Psychology is an easy major.”
Please take one of my research design and statistics classes and tell me how easy being a psych major is. Z-scores, standard deviations, and SPSS are enough to make you want to change your major.
3. “Are you analyzing me right now?”
I don’t spend all my free time analyzing and studying people. Will I do it sometimes? Yes. Do I do it all the time? Definitely not.
4. “What are you going to do with that?”
While I do want to go on to do counseling, not everyone wants to or will. There are a multitude of other jobs that people can do, such as ones in legal psychology, behavioral neuroscience, and health psychology.
5. “Can you diagnose me?”
I am still in college. I still have several years before I will even be able to. This is basically the equivalent to asking someone in med school to operate on you before they have the skills to do so.
6. "So you can read minds?"
Psychology not psychic. There is a big difference between the two. I cannot read your mind or see the future.