The plus side to college is, well, you're in college. The only notable downside is that once your schoolwork starts, it actually never ends. Every summer between school years are clogged with schoolwork, unless you're a lucky soul who gets to do your homework alongside the Eiffel Tower.
Whether you are taking online classes or in-person, you're left sitting indoors (because that glare on your computer is not going to fly) while your peers are sipping Summer Shandy's, and lounging in the sun. While miserably over-looking everyone having fun in the sun, I think of all the things I would rather do than study for an exam in June.
1. Do the #kyliejennerchallenge for a consecutive month.
2. Have Iggy Azalea's voice as my alarm clock every morning at sunrise.
3. Move myself into the highest floor of an apartment building in 90 degree heat.
4. Have my head turn into a Fruit Gusher after consuming a pack.
5. Have hot dogs for legs and buns for feet.
6. Receive the data-overage text every day from my service provider.
7. Be the monkey that Justin Bieber left in Germany.
8. Be Justin Bieber's dirt-stache.
9. Wear a floor-length North Face parka to my summer classes.
10. Send text messages in #hashtag #form #only.
11. Take a bath in expired milk.
12. Lose my phone, license, debit card, and house key on a sober night out.
13. Drive an hour and a half to my parent's house for the weekend to find that I left my phone charger and computer charger at my house.
14. Disable my phone for 1,000,000 hours.
15. Take a shower in a community bathroom with no sandals.
16. Eat a teaspoon of salt.
17. Shave off my eyebrows.
18. Make a to-go order for a chicken finger pita with a side of ranch from Leo's Coney Island, but find out once I'm home that they forgot the ranch. (If this has happened to you, you know where I'm coming from.)
19. Get attacked by a swarm of mosquitos.
20. Do the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide on a hangover.
21. Willingly date Chris Brown and bring him home to my parents.
22. Let Tyga babysit my future child.
23. Chew on coffee grounds.
24. Do a handstand for a full day.
25. Live my life as Britney Spears in 2007.
26. Hang out with the cast of Rich Kids of Beverly Hills.
27. Get beat up by Solange Knowles in an elevator.
28. Walk on push-pins with bare feet.
29. Work at Forever 21 on Black Friday.
30. Run through sand in six-inch heels.
31. Have my parents get a transcript of my text messages every month.
32. Eat a jar of horseradish.
33. Get chased by a rabid raccoon.
34. Turn to Shia Lebeouf for advice.
35. Do summer homework.