11. Checked my email and realized I got one from my professor | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

24 Things That I Did In The First 24 Hours After My Oral Surgery Instead Of Being Productive

Because who needs to do things when it's summer?

24 Things That I Did In The First 24 Hours After My Oral Surgery Instead Of Being Productive
Lucia Wang

In This Article:

This is exactly what it sounds like. I got oral surgery on Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. — real convenient timing considering I had a final Monday and also moved out of my dorm — but I had no choice. So I decided to record what I did in the 24 hours after I got my teeth pulled, and here it is.

1. Choked on water while trying to take Advil


Look, my entire mouth was numb, okay?

2. Rewatched "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" for the 14th time


The entire audience: *GASP*

3. Wished my friends luck on their last final exams


May the spirit of Steve Rogers be with you today.

4. Printed out a return label for my rental textbook


Shout out to Amazon for giving me half off a textbook!!

5. Watched TikToks for 2 hours


Am I ashamed? Maybe a little.

6. Tried to check my grades but my internet was down


Like, what am I supposed to do now?

7. Tried to make my own TikTok but gave up


Me trying to film my own video (unsuccessfully).

8. Ate a mushed banana, but it took really long because my mouth was numb


Fun fact, bananas are one of my favorite fruits.

9. Unloaded some boxes from the car


Be careful with those fridges, y'all!

10. Avoided actually unpacking those boxes


It's fine, those boxes are just everything I brought home from school, but I don't need to unpack them...

11. Checked my email and realized I got one from my professor


This was not the content of the email, but I wish it were :/

12. Realized that summer classes start in a week


I don't wanna go back to school!!

13. Freaked out and rummaged around for my old notes


Chemistry will NOT become the death of me.

14. Calmed down when I realized the pre-assignment wasn't due for 2 weeks


That feeling of relief is unparalleled.

15. Ate a popsicle


Mmm. Love a good pineapple popsicle.

16. Finished the TikTok I had started earlier


(Here it is, if you wanted to watch it)

17. Stopped putting gauze in my mouth


I was finally free.

18. Rinsed my mouth out


(My mouth was so numb that I couldn't even do this)

19. Ate some rice and mashed potatoes, slowly


At this point I wasn't chewing, just taking really small bites and swallowing them as fast as I could.

20. Binged the Try Guys for a few hours


They're too entertaining to dislike!

21. Rinsed my mouth out again!


Me accidentally drooling all over myself because I can't feel my mouth :(

22. Brushed my teeth as carefully as possible


Gotta keep up that good oral hygiene!!!!

23. Read a bit before bed


Reading for leisure > Reading for school

24. Went to bed at 10:30


Earliest I've slept all year.

Honestly, my day wasn't that productive. But this was a good way to reflect on what I do in a typical day when I don't have any obligations. I apparently watch a lot of videos and get stressed about things that aren't happening yet. Maybe I should start some new hobbies, like knitting or Pilates or something. There's a world of things I haven't done out there!

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