2. Comments about your weight are unwanted but expected | The Odyssey Online
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Health Wellness

5 Things Every Asian American Knows to Be True About the Holidays

My front door is a sea of shoes.

5 Things Every Asian American Knows to Be True About the Holidays

Fall and Winter are my absolute favorite times of the year- not just because of the weather or the comfy clothes it permits, but the Holidays. Whether you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah, or something else, the holidays are a time of relaxation, good food, and a Hallmark atmosphere. However, growing up Asian-American, Christmas to us was often double-sided. Sure we had the tree, the stockings, and the turkeys, but we also had loud uncles, karaoke that shook the neighbor's house, and the one or two scraggly family dogs that vacuumed the floor of scraps. If you're Asian American and happen to celebrate the Holidays with a large-ish family, here are 5 things you probably know to be true.

1. The entryway of the house probably looks like this: 


But like, 110% messier and 78% more dress shoes, heels, and Adidas runners.

2. Comments about your weight are unwanted but expected


"Wow, you've gotten so fat." "Did you lose weight?" "You're so skinny now." "You need to eat more." "You need to eat less!" SMH.

3. Copious amounts of alcohol consumption


Heineken, Sapporo, Hennessy, Soju, Assorted Wine- for many of us that Asian holiday party was our first introduction to alcohol.

4. There is always some sort of music or talent performance


Dread it, run from it, it was still going to happen.

5. (Awkwardly?) talking to your grandparents


Kudos to you if you know enough of your language to communicate comfortably, but for most of us it was just good intentions and English mixed with the few words you knew.

The holidays are a wondrous time. It's a break from school, responsibilities, and general worries. You've got all the warm and fuzzy decorations, and the added plus of seeing friends and cousins you haven't seen in a while. As an Asian American, my holidays were a little bit more hectic with all of the preparation and insane banquets of food, coupled with the many responsibilities and judgment from extended family, but I wouldn't trade that for the world. So, this holiday season, if you find yourself at an Asian household for Christmas, kick your shoes into the pile, enjoy a bottle of beer, and gorge yourself silly (while ignoring the increasingly drunk uncle) because if there's anything better than celebrating the holidays, it's doubling the holidays!

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