The One Thing Some Feminists Seem To Forget
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The One Thing Some Feminists Seem To Forget

It's about time we wrap up the name calling, shall we?

The One Thing Some Feminists Seem To Forget

Although there is an official definition for the term, I’ve observed many people taking feminism in a different route and defining it for themselves. There is nothing wrong with this. As a woman, I look towards all outlets to empower myself, my identity and all other women. I have found my definition of feminism: respect and equality of both genders (no matter what). To me, this means sexual, political, social and academic freedom. This means receiving respect (with no judgment) for living and speaking how I please. However, this also means I return the favor by respecting my peers for their decisions. My definition of feminism is to support my peers in whatever empowers them. The goal is to uplift rather than to bring down, and this is not only my definition.

In my women’s studies class this semester we’re currently reading the book "A Little F’d Up: Feminism is Not a Dirty Word" by Julie Zellinger. A few passages in her novel have opened my eyes to the one issue that holds us back from full equality: respect. You’d think this would be pretty easily achievable for a feminist — respecting your peers. However, as a community we have far strayed from that. There is still that cattiness towards each other. Since birth women are trained to compete with men and each other. In school, I remember being afraid to raise my hand in class out of fear I would be seen as less intelligent by my male peers. I was especially afraid to be criticized by the girls in my class, but for more than just academics. I was afraid I wouldn’t be accepted by them. I was not competing to be the best, but for the appropriate favoring and attention I craved to receive, just as my fellow classmates did.

This need for acceptance and competition has bled over to other parts of our lives beyond grade school. In this instance it’s feminists that are competing with each other by taking their own definition of feminism and claiming it is better than another feminist’s act of empowerment. For example: the people who view sexual liberation as an excuse to be publicly sexual rather than owning your body. They would rather see a woman performing well in a male dominated sport or via intelligence in order to prove their presence and power. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. I think this is great and is a wonderful execution of feminism: performing your absolute best disregarding your gender in the process. Women can do things just as good as men.

However, for the women who view sexual liberation as a way to empower themselves, they are also absolutely correct as well. They are not bad influences. I may be a bit biased because I believe the human body and sexual expression is natural and nothing to be ashamed of. However, owning your femininity through sexual liberation is taking back the shame that men have placed upon our sexual behavior. A man can be naked and it’s alright, but a woman does it and she’s a slut? I don’t think so.

Women have been set unequal to men since the dawn of time. Men have controlled our reproductive rights, intellectual rights, employment rights, and overall societal rights for a while. They have strongly guided women to be the weaker sex, and now that we have reached total awareness of this (through music and media). Maybe we can finally change this. This change includes women no longer being viewed as sluts for being a little too sexual and viewed as a bitch for being vocal.

Keeping up with the charade of downing, belittling and judging women for their individual empowerments is setting the clock backwards on the feminist movement. The recent event of Kim Kardashian’s nude seflie and the celebrity Twitter backlash is the perfect example. You can think whatever you want about Kim, but when celebrities — who claim to support feminism — are openly accusing her of badly influencing younger women because she’s being publicly sexual is why we need to remind ourselves about the key that will unlock equality. Their views of feminism are most likely (or exactly) along the lines of professional success over sexual liberation. However, a true feminist knows that the dogging of Kim Kardashian isn't going to stop the judgement of women in their actions. Women calling other women names only gives permission to men to call women names. This will only circle back to men having the power to weaken women's roles in society.

Amber Rose has done a fantastic job about publicly supporting her fellow women. Well, for the most part has done a fantastic job. Whether it’s her “walk of pride” video or her social media declarations of female emowerment, she is uplifting and bringing attention to the positivity of these acts, even if they are demeaned and criticized by others.

To fully achieve gender equality, we need to show support and respect for each other than naming them sluts or bitches. The names need to stop. The judging needs to stop. By supporting the health and happiness of our peer’s actions (even if we don’t agree with them) we are one step closer to forgetting the use of misogynistic and offensive terms that literally don’t mean anything anymore. It isn’t fair to continually judge women for what they feel is good. By remembering this one thing, we can reach full gender equality.

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