Divorce? Debt? No, I’m talking about deployment. This one word can send shock waves down your spine, and make you break down in an instant. This word can bring extreme happiness, but often lots of tears. This word can separate some, but bring most even closer than before.
Most Americans who have never been in a military relationship, or don’t have relatives, friends or siblings in the military, probably have a mixed view about what this big word is all about. Most people get a picture in their mind about deployments from Hollywood. “Dear John”, “American Sniper” or “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.” All of these movies show the struggle military members go through to protect this country, while also showing the strong women and family members who support them from home. Although these offer great views into military lifestyles, it truly isn’t that easy. The truth is for some not all; it involves days without speaking, conversations only by letters or Skype, constant fear that something bad may happen and so much patience. This varies by branch, job, mission or time period.
It truly is a time to reflect on how strong your relationship can be. It may not even be a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, I’m talking about all relationships: parental, siblings or friends. Time apart from those you love truly makes you that much more thankful for the time that person is home, and trains you on the art of communication. Think about if you left your family, your wife or husband, and decided to travel around the world by yourself for months at a time. Think about how much more appreciative you will be of the time you have together once you return. Petty arguments, dramatic fighting or annoyances would become few and far between because you learn to cherish every second.
Stay strong. Pray a lot and know that each day is a day closer to the deployment ending. Also be so proud in the fact your person is protecting every freedom we have as Americans. They are defending what this country is all about, so remember that.
9 ”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9