Every summer students all over are excited for the potential that summer holds, but all too quickly find themselves in the same summer routine they've always done. To help break that vicious cycle I've composed an ultimate summer bucket list of one hundred relatively easy and attainable items. It's time to take summer back!
1. Go exploring
2. Have a water balloon fight
3. Try yoga
4. Write a letter to someone and send it via snail mail
5. Eat something you’ve never tried before
6. Craft a ton
7. Try a new sport
8. Have a silly string fight
9. Get a manicure
10. Run a 5k
11. Play in the rain
12. Try something new with your hair
13. Read a classic novel
14. Learn how to do something random
15. Catch fireflies
16. Have breakfast for dinner
17. Have ice cream for dinner
18. Go to the zoo
19. Go bowling
20. Do something good for your community
21. Try a new restaurant
22. Binge an entire series on Netflix
23. Play with sidewalk chalk
24. Save your coins all summer
25. Give your parents a day off from housework
26. Overcome a fear
27. Go on a bike ride
28. Play in a kiddie pool
29. Learn a new word every day
30. Go on a scavenger hunt
31. Feed ducks
32. Go to the movies
33. Meet a new person
34. Help a neighbor
35. Blow bubbles
36. Have a paint fight
37. Leave a note on a stranger’s car
38. Go swimming at night
39. Adventure in Philly
40. Do something spontaneous
41. Read all the Nicholas Sparks novels and watch all the movies
42. Make a fun summer drink
43. Have a game night (board and card games)
44. Rearrange your room
45. Go camping-even if it’s just in your backyard
46. Have a campfire and make smokes’
47. Compliment others as often as possible
48. Reach out to an old friend
49. Personally thank someone who has served our country
50. Watch a sunrise
51. Watch a sunset
52. Take a road trip with your best friends
53. Do something daring
54. Go to a water park
55. Start and FINISH a game of monopoly
56. Visit/reach out to your favorite teacher from high school
57. Wash a car
58. Go to a farmers’ market
59. Offer to babysit for free
60. Tie dye
61. Make a wish at 11:11
62. Do something that scares you
63. Make an appreciation basket for the local police/firefighters
64. Take silly pictures in a photo booth
65. Learn how to play an instrument
66. Go to a baseball game
67. Have a dance party
68. Forgive someone and get closure
69. Learn how to use chopsticks
70. Tell someone how much they inspire you
71. Spend an entire day relaxing by the pool
72. Have a Harry Potter movie marathon
73. Call a distant relative
74. See your favorite band in concert
75. Watch a meteor shower
76. Try every ice cream flavor
77. Create a memory box to open years from now
78. Take underwater pictures
79. Pay for a stranger’s coffee, gas, or meal
80. Get a henna tattoo
81. Learn a new language
82. Buy a lotto ticket with the numbers from a fortune cookie
83. Go to a midnight movie premiere
84. Have fun with sparklers
85. Visit a toy store
86. Go to a fair
87. Read books often, keep your mind sharp
88. Do something silly with your best friends
89. Find a positive in every negative
90. Make something you pinned on Pinterest
91. Work really hard, save your money, and go on a shopping spree
92. Avoid fast food for a month
93. Spend an entire day watching chick flicks
94. Find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop
95. Learn how to skip rocks
96. Plant a garden
97. Get chocolate wasted
98. Photograph everything
99. Keep a journal-write down all your adventures and a positive from everyday
100. Unplug for a whole day (no tablet, TV, computer, or cell phone)