Every girl with long hair faces the inevitable struggles that come along with having their luxurious long locks. Yet...we refuse to cut it. I guess we all just have an emotional attachment to our hair even though we have to put up with the countless inconveniences that come with the package. Here's just a few things that my fellow Rapunzels can relate to.
1. It’s everywhere
There's no avoiding it. No matter what you do, it'll fall behind you.
2. Windows are not your friends
Its a nice spring day out, so you roll down the window for a sweet breeze… your hair flies out and when you try to roll the window up, well it gets caught there too.
3. Laying down is great…
Until you end up laying with your arms on your hair. When you try to get up, you end up pulling your own hair.
4. You can't walk with your hair down on a windy day
Everywhere...it goes everywhere, you accept the fact that you won't be able to see until you get where you’re going.
5. You can't walk with your hair tied back on a windy day
It turns into a whip and might as well become a lethal weapon.
But hey, we love our hair anyway!