Summer; a time for relaxing, fro-yo and going to lots of concerts. There's no excitement like finding out your favorite artist is coming to town. Artists like Adele, 5 Seconds of Summer, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are all on tour this summer. Those are just a few names out of the many artists that are currently touring. While it's always fun to go to concerts, it's not always fun to buy concert tickets. If you're lucky, you can get them face value from Ticketmaster and all is well. But with names like Adele and Carrie Underwood, you could end up on a wild "goose chase" on Stubhub and eBay to find tickets.
When you find out your favorite artist is coming to town.
There's no excitement like when an artist releases a new album because you know what comes next, a tour. You anxiously scroll down the list of tour dates as you scan it looking for your city. If they aren't coming to your city, you automatically start brainstorming for a road trip to go see them. Once you have found a date that works out, the excitement doesn't stop from there.
Waiting for tickets to go on sale.
Whether it's a pre-sale or a general sale, buying concert tickets is always stressful. As you anxiously wait for the clock to say "10:00," your nerves are building. What if you can't get tickets? What if it sells out right away? Your mind is constantly running but you just have to keep your head up high and hope for the best. Hopefully your iPad, desktop, laptop and phone all pull through. One of them has to come up with a set of tickets right?
When you can get tickets.
You enter how many tickets you want and you anxiously wait for something to show up on your screen. You sit there waiting as the "spinning wheel of death" goes around and around. Finally something comes up and you smile with joy. You're going to the show!!!!
When it says "no matches available."
Buying tickets can either go two ways, you land tickets right away and everything is fine. But, Ticketmaster can also break your heart and say "no matches available." You start to panic and the anxiety gets worse. How are you supposed to go to the concert?
When you're forced to go look at scalper tickets.
Some names are harder to get tickets for than others. Sometimes scalper tickets aren't that expensive and everything works out fine. But if you're looking for tickets for someone like Adele, good luck. You anxiously check stub hub and eBay all day everyday until you find tickets within your budget.
When you finally find scalper tickets for a good price.
There's no better feeling then finally finding a reasonably price set of tickets. The stress and anxiety are finally relieved when your purchase goes through and you can start getting excited for the show. Of course you would've just liked it if you got tickets right away. But what can you do?
When it's finally concert day.
It's finally concert day and you couldn't be more excited. You have your tickets and you're ready to go. It's going to be a great night of music and fun and you're glad the day has finally come. Of course you'll get post concert depression after but you can't wait to sing your heart out all night long.