As the final days of summer break continue to tick away, college students everywhere are (or should be) preparing to jump back in the old grind. Or, if you're a freshman, you might be panicking just a little bit at this point. Either way, feelings about the upcoming semester vary from pure excitement to sickening dread. The cast of "Grey's Anatomy" demonstrates just a few of the multitudinous thoughts and feelings running through the heads of college kids across the globe.
1. Finally escaping the parents!
This first one is for all the freshmen who feel nothing but pure joy at the prospect of getting out of the house and into that college dorm room. You think that nothing can feel better than some sweet, sweet independence. Well, at least until the homesickness and wistful thoughts of home-cooked meals start to set in. So go ahead and savor those happy thoughts before reality barges in.
2. Trying not to burst into tears.
Some students are in full panic mode! You barely made it through last semester, and now you have to get through another one? Just smile and take nice, deep breaths. Save your freak-outs for when the noise from the hand dryer in the bathroom can cover the sound of your tears. Not that I'm speaking from experience.
3. Walking in there like a boss.
Eyes straight ahead, stop for nobody, you've got this! Some of you might be feeling ready to conquer this next semester without a single fear or doubt weighing you down. Simply put, you feel like a boss. Congratulations.
4. Already making excuses.
Oh, come on, we all know that old trick. Spout the line "I'm human, I make mistakes," and suddenly that not-so-great grade becomes no big deal, right? This semester, you figure it can't hurt to start the excuse-making a few weeks in advance.
5. Paying the bill ... the day it's due.
Admittedly, this one applies to a whole bunch of us. Between tuition and textbook costs, our bank accounts probably have about $100 left. And that's combining them all together. We've waited until the last possible minute, desperately clutching our debit cards. But now, time's up!
6. Using junk food as an anti-anxiety medication.
Does this one really need any explanation? The Freshman 15 isn't just for freshmen, by the way.
7. Regarding the dining-hall food with disgust.
It's not even that the cafeteria food is completely terrible, but after months of home-cooked meals, it kind of has a cardboard-esque flavor. Hey, food fights are always an option, but not really because then you'd have to clean it all up. Just be thankful that you have plenty of food to eat. How about that?
8. Jumping back into the social scene.
Or not. With all that stress already building up, you might prefer to stay in the dorm with Netflix as your only friend. Or, if you're like me, the relative peace of the library might be a more attractive option. Either way, the "social scene" is basically limited to the people in your classes.
9. Finally seeing your crush again.
For all you single college students, the fall semester brings some measure of excitement at the prospect of seeing that special someone again. And this is the semester that you finally march right up and tell him/her exactly how you feel, right? No? OK, then.
10. Remembering how to learn.
Especially if you have a Spanish class, you'll have to work extra hard just to understand the professor. Summer break has definitely fermented most of our brains. The first few weeks of classes will most likely involve plenty of frustration as you try to get back into the swing of things. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it by Christmas, no doubt.