1. The Conflicting Stage:
Let's face it, we're all just a generation of perpetually conflicted emotional wrecks. Nothing embodies our internal dilemmas quite like our generation's love/hate relationship with soppy teen vampire shows. There's Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and a multitude of others on a list that is far too long to write out. Thus this comparison centers around the concept of a team. Team Vampire Diaries, team Twilight, team Edward, team Jacob, team Damon, team Stefan are all viable options in the drama filled worlds of fangs. Much like these teen dramas colleges present us with far too many options. Some are more appealing than others, and the appeal all depends on the individual's opinions. Overall we look at the outward appearance, the plot, and the character then we make our decision. Once that decision is made, we belong to that team no matter what trials the plot of life decides to put us through.
2. The Empowerment Phase:
After this crucial decision is made, you might start to feel as free as a bird.
Or like the luminescent butterflies in the show The 100.
You feel empowered and strong. At this point you feel like you can take on the world. You're ready to take on anything. This is a battle for independence that you know you'll win.
3. The I'm Actually Going to Miss Home Phase:
You're bubbling with excitement. A dorm room with a roommate is such an exciting prospect. There are so many clubs and so much on-campus fun, that you can't wait to officially be a college student. So many options are available in the course catalog. Topics range from one broad spectrum to the other. There are majors, minors, general education classes, and suddenly you are overwhelmed.
Much like Rory in the finale of Gilmore Girls, you're now leaving your home, family, and everything you've ever known. This might hit you all at once or creep up on you like a snake. Either way, all that excitement and independence suddenly turns into sobbing about a childhood lost. You're an adult now, but you might not want to be.
4. The Traveling Back in Time Phase:
At this point childhood attachments might return. Things like sitting at the counter and watching your mom cook, which holds more meaning than you ever realized before. Suddenly you're a child again, sobbing into a bowl of ice cream while watching The Lion King shouting, "Poor Simba!" like the disturbed individual you truly are. A suddenly disturbing realization dawn on you. You're relating to cartoon characters like they're real people, and you're not sure if you've gone a little insane or if Disney writers are truly that good.
5. The Distraction Phase:
If you're a fan of Supernatural, Dr. Who, or Sherlock then this stage is self-explanatory. If not, then you start binge watching whatever show will distract you the most from your sudden tempestuous emotions.
6. The Acceptance Phase:
Eventually you have to accept that you're no longer a child. Childhood may no longer be the present or the future, but each moment is a memory. These memories will be dearly missed, but they can also be cherished as new memories are being made. New people will come in and out of your life, but the people from your past will still be there. Your family wants you to succeed, and they'll still be there for you no matter what. After all, you didn't walk across that stage to receive a diploma for nothing!
7. The I'm Growing up and Growing out Phase:
Now you're going to be a "New Girl" in a new school.
You're bags are all packed. Everything on the list is checked off. It's time to officially meet the roommate, move in, and maybe make some "Friends" along the way.