The Row Week Survival Guide | The Odyssey Online
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The Row Week Survival Guide


Row week is right around the corner. Fanny packs and punny tanks have been printed in the most srat neon colors, and once the line-ups have been posted for every house down Stadium Drive, every girl becomes THE number one fan of the band playing at their go-to house.They try to remember “that one line” from “that one song” that “that rapper that I loooove” sings. 
Songs are getting downloaded, memorized and blasted out of car windows as the frat-lapping commences once again, briefly, so the boys know that you are a true fan of that rapper that sings the bridge in that new Nelly.. or is Lil Wayne? song. The most difficult activity in preparation for row week is the composition of the text messages, yes messages plural, you don’t want to just get a wrist band to one house.. how lame is that? 
You won’t want to sound too desperate. And you don’t want to sound uninterested.

A happy medium is ideal.

So you should probably decide to go with one of the new lyrics you memorized.  Because nobody else has tried that… the boys will be sooo impressed.  After the wristbands have been handed out, and the bribing has taken place, the real preparations begin. Walls go up. Stages are brought in. Ladies and gentlemen, Row Week has commenced.

Now I know that dressing up for date night and dancing the night away to “your new favorite band” after eating your weight in crawfish is going to be the time of your life…  and the best way to forget that finals are just around the corner. But there are a few things I think everyone needs to remember before heading out to their first… second or third… row week. So for your personal safety, well-being and entertainment: I present to you a Row Week Survival Guide.

: Things you will need:

Your State ID… there will be police at all the houses, and they will be checking to make sure the face on that ID matches the person who’s hand it’s in (give or take the freshman 15). 
Shoes.. and probably clothes that you don’t care too much about. Crawfish and dancing doesn’t pair so well with Tori Burch flats. 
An outfit that fits the occasion.. you are going to a honky-tonk, hay bale floored, food and drink everywhere concert. And it’s at least 70 degrease outside. I know you want to look cute, but trust me, 20 minutes of sweating and two drinks spilled on you later, you aren’t going to be the hot momma you were when you did your final mirror check before leaving your room. So either wear something reasonable that fits the theme or something somewhat comfy (they make row week tanks for a reason) 
A buddy.. row week is one of the biggest events of the year. People come in from out of town and many people overdo it. So stick with a friend. You can help each other through the ups and downs of row week.

So go get those wristbands. Enjoy row week. And remember to always use your head, but have fun while doing so. 

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