As we all know, the presidential election is coming up. So, as an eighteen-year-old and first-time voter, I’ve been thinking about who I want to vote for. Then, I came to the sad conclusion that I actually nothing of substance about these people. Do other people my age know more than I do? I quickly found out most of them do not. Most of the time when adults talk politics, I sit quietly and every once in a while I'm like,
So, before I make a decision, I know I have to do a lot more research so I can be an “educated voter”. But first, I thought it would be entertaining to share with you the extent of what I, and I assume most other young people, know about the candidates (which isn’t a lot).
Jeb Bush: Old Jeb here is a republican candidate. He is closely related to you-know-who (which I literally didn't know until last week). I think that he could stand a good chance. I also know he was a big pot smoker in high school. While this isn't great for his campaign (he is against the legalization of marijuana), at least he got invited to the party!
Ben Carson: I screamed the day I found out Ben Carson was running for president. As a religious fan of his biographical movie, Gifted Hands, I had learned everything about him and loved telling people about my weird obsession about him. He came from an underprivileged home and overcame that and eventually became one of the smartest, and most talented surgeons of all time. Now he wants to be president? This man literally will. not. stop.
Either way, he’s a cool guy.
Ted Cruz: Now, I don’t know much about this Ted Cruz. All I know is he was born in Canada and he doesnt like avocados. Do we want an avocado-hating canadian running our country? I don't think so.
John Kasich: If this man stood in front of me, I would not recognize him or know who he was. Maybe he just needs a new marketing team that actually knows people under 30 exist? The only thing I am sure of is that he is, in fact, friends with the band U2, and that makes me question his morals completely. So, Congrats, John, you're boring enough that that's all we know about you.
Marco Rubio: Shine bright like a Rubio, or at least sweat like him. I solemnly believe this man could drown in his own sweat, and he should hire someone to look after him and make sure he doesn't. Even Donald Trump made fun him, saying, "Marco Rubio, I’ve never seen anybody sweat like that."
Donald Trump: A man that desperately needs a haircut, and, even more so, a reality check. One of the most popular candidates, or at least i see him on twitter the most. And, as we all know...
Hillary Clinton: Hillary is just chillin' as one of the main democratic candidates. I've seen the vines, the tweets, and the painful attempts at trying to be relatable to my age group. However, I still don't know what she's talking about.
Sorry, girl.
Bernie Sanders: One of the most popular candidates with college students, Sanders’ popularity prompted me to google him. Here’s what I found: If you hop over to SoundCloud, a music sharing app that many people my age use to find new songs or remixes, you will find an album titled “We Shall Overcome”. It features Bernie and 30 other musicians making renditions to folky American classics. I'm begging you to go listen to it.
So, as for me and the rest of the millennial voters, we should all probably do some research about the people running so we can make a real contribution to the election. Please, dear God, do not use any of this information to base your decision on. Our voices are being heard for the first time, and we should make it count! Go out and do the exact opposite of what I did here.