The Power Of Makeup: Confidence, Beauty, And A Pinch Of Sass | The Odyssey Online
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The Power Of Makeup: Confidence, Beauty, And A Pinch Of Sass

"This is why you take girls swimming on the first date"

The Power Of Makeup: Confidence, Beauty, And A Pinch Of Sass
HuffPost Style

Waking up to see your daily blemishes and veins printed on your eyelids may not seem in your best interest. Seeing those dark bags (that are not designer) hang from your eyelids and that empty chunk of missing eyelashes may not come off to you as appealing. Although, when you whip out your Urban Decay Naked2 palette and Kat Von D Lock-It foundation, you’re ready to take on the world. An instant red carpet swings out beneath your feet, and you walk that carpet like it is nobody's business.

Makeup is an instant confidence booster for some people, and may even change the outlook on your entire day- as it does for me. Some girls are not into makeup, and that is okay. There is nothing wrong with just not liking makeup. Think of it this way- you’re saving a lot of money, honey. For some girls who just feel as if their day will go slow and don’t want to constantly get harassed for looking “tired”, makeup is the cure-all for us makeup-enthusiasts out there.

Lingering all over the Internet is “funny” tweets and photos of comparisons with girls with no makeup to their normal makeup routines and comments such as “this is why you take girls swimming on the first date.” So… Personality does not matter? Confidence, Attitude, Intelligence?

Not only is this just a kisser right in the face to us makeup-loving girls, it’s also a reality check to how crazy this world really is. It’s sad some of us put on makeup to get noticed, and it’s sad we put on makeup just to get told we look pretty. But it’s amazing how makeup can instantly put a smile on our faces and make us walk around like we are Queen Elizabeth the Second mixed in with the fierceness of Beyoncé. Other opinion's shouldn't even cross your mind, why? Because you are your own queen. You know your contour and thick brows slay like no other and nobody's opinions should bring you down. If a man or woman picks on you for wearing "too much" makeup, who cares? Let you do you, and let them do them boo-boo.

With the power of makeup, we can fill in our uneven wobbly eyebrows to make them as symmetrical as a butterfly. We can put on our long black eyeliner with wings so long and sharp, they’d fly away from all our problems in one swipe. We can make our cheekbones and facial structure more defined with that Anastasia Contour Palette, and we can add some highlighted, shimmery glow to our face making us shine like a diamond in the rough.

eSo go ahead, take me on swimming on the first date. My waterproof setting spray will make sure my winged eyeliner doesn't’ smudge an inch.

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