Anyone that has been to a concert before knows the feeling when your favorite artist/band comes out on stage, especially if it is your first time seeing them. It is something so surreal. You have spent most of your life watching them on a television, computer, or phone screen and now finally you are in the same room as them.
Over my 18 years I have been lucky enough to have attended multiple concerts of my favorite artists/bands. Some of my favorite artists/bands I have seen and/or met them multiple times. Seeing people that you look up to stand right in front of you and sing your favorite song is something that is so hard to describe unless it has actually happened to yourself.
Concerts have become some kind of an escape for me. The same thing has happened with music. If I am having a bad day, week, month, or year I know I can turn on my music and escape from any bad things that are happening in my life. Concerts just added to that escapism. If I was feeling low in my life I can go to a concert and feel alive and free again. A lot of people use music to escape their everyday troubles and I think that is one of the main reasons why artists continue to do what they do. They love performing and expressing themselves through music, but they also love to see their fans faces light up at a concert or read their reaction through social media.
For anyone that hasn’t been able to see their favorite artist/band, I can only hope that one day you can see them and experience what I have. If you get that opportunity to see your favorite artist/band live in concert, you need to take that as soon as you can because once you enter that concert venue and see your favorite artist/band walk out on stage and see their bright faces, you will feel this overwhelming feeling over happiness.