It took me a long time to finally major in English. I started my college career off as a biology major, thinking I wanted to go to medical school. The dream quickly died the second I took my first bio 101 exam. I flip flopped around in my search to find a purpose, attempting to discover a major I would feel comfortable in. I've researched every college major that Plattsburgh had to offer. I probably knew more about careers and the majors that led to them than any of the counselors at the Career and Development Center. It's safe to say that I've done enough research to know the perks of being an English major.
You have a bulletproof alibi when your friends try to drag you off to a party on a Friday night.
"I can't! I have to finish 3 books by Tuesday morning! Maybe next week?"
You can discuss the mutual hatred for postmodernism with your fellow English friends.
Much to the horror of your English professors.
You also get to read and talk about so many books!
Jane Austen, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allen Poe, Mary Shelley... I could go on!
Which means your poor roommate has to suffer from your ever growing library.
Guess who majored in English? Several CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.
You can rattle off the phallic symbols in Shakespeare as a party trick!
You know the difference between there, their, and they’re. Also, whom and who.
You have so many opinions on a wide-range of genres.
And you'll have friends who will finally understand your book references.
The road to the English department was marred with mistakes and wisdom. It was long and thorny, but I can say I am genuinely happy with the major I picked. I love my professors, my classes, my work, and the growth I've experienced within the department. Champlain Valley Hall is my home.