I have always been quiet and extremely shy. When spoken to, I would get scared and say something silly. When giving speeches, my face would get red and break out in hives. I would always sit at the back of the room and avoid eye contact. I would do anything to avoid unnecessary communication.
I have always been a bit clumsy. Sports were never my thing and when I got hurt, I never had any exciting stories to tell. My coordination has always been nonexistent and my athletic skills are minimal. Gym was always an embarrassing class. I couldn't always keep up and I would dread the days we had our physical fitness tests.
With all of my quirks, I grew up listening to people telling me what I could and couldn't do. I was told I would never be able to run a mile. I was told I would never be able to give a speech. Unfortunately, I listened.
When it came time to sign up for track, I didn't because I didn't think I could keep up. When interviews for FFA officer positions came up, I opted out because I thought I would say something silly.
When I got to college, what people said didn't change. I wanted to get a position in FFA, but was told I wasn't good enough. I wanted to become a SI (supplemental instructor) for chemistry or algebra, but was told I couldn't possibly stand in front of 20 students and tutor.
What those people didn't realize was that telling me I couldn't only made me try harder. No one wants to be told they can't do something. When they are, all it does is fuel their desire to prove them wrong.
Unfortunately, not everyone is going to encourage you. You just can't let their doubt stop you. To the people who are told they can't, use those statements to strengthen your determination. While those statements hurt at the moment, proving them wrong will only make the accomplishment better.
Thank you to everyone who ever said I couldn't; because of you, I can. Running a mile isn't so hard anymore. Giving speeches is scary, but possible. Running for positions in FFA paid off and I am a supplemental instructor for chemistry and algebra.
Life is full of opportunities. There are too many out there to let others stand in your way. To the people who doubt, keep doubting. While your goal might be to bring me down, you only help to bring me up.