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If Every Character From ‘The Office’ Was A College Gen Ed Course

"The Office" makes everything better, even gen ed classes.

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The Office is notorious for being the GREATEST show to ever grace our T.Vs and now our computers, because, Netflix.

If you're anything like me, than you've rewatched The Office more times than you can count. Actually you're just restarting it again this week. There is one thing that goes better together than Michael and Chili's and that is The Office and college.

Us college students love The Office, we watch it instead of going to class and even have parties that are office themed, just to show our love. Something else that is so college, are gen ed courses. Everyone has to take them and everyone hates them because they literally have no real purpose, but we all have to take them.

So why not pair them with The Office characters, make them a little less awful and a little more like Dwight.

Michael Scott — Public Speaking 

This one is obvious. Michael's speeches are known and he totally gets what its like to go up and speak to everyone.

Andy Bernard — Intro to Jazz 

Andy is known for his signing and dancing and he was in an actual a-cappella group.

Jim Halpert — Sociology 

Every prank that he played on Dwight was really just a test. To see how Dwight actually reacted to other humans.

Pam Beesley — Art 

Pam went to art school for a summer and even painted the mural.

Angela Martin — College Algebra 

College alegrba is seriously so boring and is the class version of Angela

Kevin Malone — University Success

This is the class that is totally pointless but you have to it, kind of like Kevin. He is totally pointless at work but he has to be kept around because he's kevin.

Stanley Hudson — English 

Stanley does crossword puzzles all day so he's literally a walking english class

Toby Flanderson — Psychology 

Toby is all about everyone's feelings and making sure that they are okay. He is super touchy feely too

Oscar Martinez — Economics 

Oscar is really the money guy

Kelly Kapor — Government 

Kelly is like really smart guys, so she can do anything

Meredith Palmer — Greek mythology

Meredith was literally living like an ancient greek, not giving a care in the world.

Phyllis Vance — Anatomy 

She knows all about anatomy...if you know what I'm talking about

Creed Bratton — World Religions 

He's been part of cults as a leader and a follwer

Dwight Schrute — Science 

Dwight really gives off the mad scientist vibes. Plus he knows how to grow the perfect beet

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